Chicken soup - newly diagnosed with colon cancer

I'm 54 years old and I was given a cancer diagnosis yesterday. The colonoscopy and gastroscopy procedures went really smoothly. The healthcare professionals were superb - from the receptionists, the phlebotamist, the nurses and the consultant. Unfortunately, a large tumour was found in my sigmoid colon. I've been booked in for a CT scan and I have a meeting with the multi-disciplinary team next Wednesday. I'm still partly in shock, but I'm keeping myself busy with reading on the subject. The main reason I've posted on here, apart from sharing with people going through similar experiences, is to emphasise that early diagnosis is far preferable with regard to bowel cancer. I've had serious symptoms for months, which I hid from my family and friends out of sheer embarrassment. In late May, I was sprawled out on my bathroom floor, covered in blood, having just lost 25% of my blood volume through rectal bleeding. I had lost consciousness through the blood loss, fell and hit my head and then fell again as I tried to get up and slipped on the blood. Thankfully, my brother was visiting and he was able to break the bathroom door down.  All because I was too embarrassed to mention to the people that love and care for me that I was having health issues. Well, my journey started today, and I hope I can share it with you. It's got off to a good beginning - I've just had some delicious chicken soup, which after two days of Moviprep and a low residue diet, tasted like nectar.

  • Hello Marcas, 

    Thank you so much for coming on the forum and sharing your story with us. I am so sorry they have found a large tumour in your sigmoid colon and I hope that from now on things will move fast so you can quickly start treatment. You are right when you say that the embarrassment that goes with bowel and rectal symptoms can result in a delay in diagnosis and the message you convey today is a very important one - that it is important to get checked out as early as possible as soon as symptoms begin. It was lucky that your brother was visiting and found you - poor you slipping on the blood too; thank you for having the courage to share all this with us so that if anyone reading this is going through something similar, they will know that it is crucial to mention any rectal bleeding to their GP. 

    You're now in very capable expert hands and I hope that you get the full details of the diagnosis very soon and can start treatment very soon. You made me laugh when you mentioned the chicken soup tasting like nectar. I can quite imagine that after 2 days of Moviprep and a strict diet, the soup was truly delicious! I hope you've enjoyed other nice treats since... 

    Thank you again for sharing your journey with us and if you don't mind we'd love to read the rest of your treatment journey in the future if you're happy to share it with us. I hope everything goes well for you from now on - the important thing is that you now have a diagnosis and that you no longer have to suffer in silence and it will hopefully all be dealt with successfully and efficiently. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your message, Lucie. I will certainly share my results. I have a CT scan next week, and I hope the multi-disciplinary  team will receive the biopsy pathology results soon. 

  • Well done to you for braving everything to tell us anonymous people about the start of your journey. Chicken soup sounds delicious after Moviprep!

    Good luck with your scan and everything. We are here; keep typing.

  • Offline in reply to Mary.

    Hi Mary, thank you for your message. It genuinely boosts my mood to receive such kind and inspiring comments. The CT scan went really well - I was so impressed with the empathy and the professionalism of all of the doctors and nurses. Like many, I tend to use humour, to defuse stress. I was joking around with the Radiologist and I loved her term for me: a little bleeder. That was my Grandma Elsie's nickname for me. It was as if she was looking down on me from a better place, willing me to be strong and telling me that she was there standing by my side. 

  • Offline in reply to Marcas

    Any more news?

    Be strong.