Spinal Cancer

I was diagnosed in January 2024 with a tumour in my spine. I’ve had radiotherapy & now on chemo tablets. Treatable but not curable. I’m concerned that it was a death sentence. At the moment I’m doing ok with regular scans and reviews with my Oncologists. So far so good. Hopefully it continues

  • It must have been very difficult to find out your cancer is only treatable and not curable Nod, but I'm really glad to hear that things are going well for you and that you are in regular contact with your oncologists.

    Hopefully some of our members will be along soon to offer their support and any advice they can if they have been in a similar situation, but if you have any questions or concerns playing on your mind that you would like to discuss with someone, then don't hesitate in giving our cancer nurses a call. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to help.

    Do keep us updated on your progress when you can Nod, and remember that you are not alone.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Nod, not sure I can say much to help but for what it is worth here is my story in brief. I went to my Dr's. Saying I had a suspect mole on my back that was changing. I visited 4 times over 2 years before they finally agreed and referred me. It was by then stage 2a cancer. I had it removed along with 4 lymph nodes. 7 weeks ago I was in acute pain across my lower back which was worse at night. I went to Dr's. I was given pain killers and told to sign up for physiotherapy.. instead I went to A and E. The Dr was excellent and immediately had me scanned CT which showed a tumor on my spine. I had to sit in the waiting room for 4 days to get admitted but to cut a long story short the Melanoma had spread to my spine. I had a biopsy and saw the consultant with my wife. He told me I had 6months unless I had immunotherapy which might not work but did have a good record of treating this type of cancer. So my wife was floored , I had read a lot about it and it came as no surprise. Tbh I am quite calm about it all except the pain which is bad at night. I am on pregablin and paracetamol. I start immunotherapy next week and am hoping it works for me and extends my life. I have read some good reports on immunotherapy so fingers crossed. Not sure if this helps but you are not alone. As an aside whenever I meet people and they say how are you I find it easier to say fine rather than tell them I have spinal cancer.