options for treatment with my stomach cancer

i had a visit to my surgeon on Friday and he has told me that all the samples he took from me including 27 lymph nodes from my stomach cancer operation (i now have a permanent stoma bag) have all got cancer .i  have also got heart problems i have had a triple bypass in the past and this is making it reluctant to give me any chemo. I have a telephone appointment on Thursday with my oncologist and would like some help in questions i could ask for types of treatment i could ask for any help would be appreciated thanks

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat forum Calvin, although I'm really sorry to hear that all the samples that were taken showed cancer.

    This must have been very difficult news to receive but our community are here for you Calvin and hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will be along soon to offer their suggestions and advice.

    You're very welcome to discuss this with our team of cancer nurses as well. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m, so if you'd like to run this past them and get their thoughts, do give them a call.

    We're thinking of you Calvin and wishing you all the best for tomorrow.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator