Testicular Cancer, when is chemotherapy ?


My husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer in June. They very quickly removed the one testical which gave confirmation. We were told he would need further treatment, but we haven't yet heard from oncology. I just wondered how long it has taken others to get an appointment to discuss further treatment? Also, I’ve read a lot about BEP with this cancer. How long does this last? Or is every case different? Sorry, but it’s all new to us. Thanks in advance. 

  • Hello Bella2024

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband has recently had surgery for testicular cancer. it's naturally a difficult time for you both and understandable that you have some concerns about the next steps in his treatment program. 

    If you've still had no news from the Oncology team regarding an appointment date then don't be afraid to contact your husband's clinical nurse specialist or the Consultant secretary to follow up on this. Hopefully, they will be able to give you some reassurance about when you may expect to have an appointment date. 

    The type of chemotherapy treatment, and the number of cycles, your husband will have will depend on a number of factors that the Oncologist will take into consideration. We do have some information on our website about chemotherapy for testicular cancer that you might find helpful to read through ahead of his appointment. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information, and support they can. 

    Hopefully, you will both have some positive news soon. I hope that this next treatment phase goes well. 

    Best wishes to you both, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi 

    My husband (42) was diagnosed with testicular cancer on 11th June 2024 things moved very quickly he had a CT scan, ultrasound, bloods and had surgery to remove his testicle on 1st July. We had a meeting with the consultant on 8th August where we discussed options and it was agreed my husband would need 1 session on chemo. We have an appointment tomorrow 12th August for him to have a test on his kidneys ready for his chemo session on Wednesday 14th August. I’m still in shock and can’t believe it’s happening to us just trying to carry on as “normal” as much as we can. How is your husband now?