
Hi, I have just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, original lump was 3.5cm now doubled it size to 7cm within couple of weeks. I am now advised to undergo Mastectomy surgery and possible Breast Construction using my own tissue. I was wondering if anyone did this and how its for you and if anyone would recommend or not. Any advice would be great! 

  • Hi, i'm 50! i had a mastectomy 8 weeks ago, i decided against reconstruction. I now comfortably wear post op bras with soft inserts & all my same clothes. The mastectomy was much easier & far less painful than i'd imagined it to be. 

  • Thanks so much for replying! I’m 37 and wasn’t sure how the mastectomy would be for me. I’m happy to hear it went well for you and you’re doing well. Did you need any Radiotherapy or Chemo? I may need it after surgery. Feeling scared about it all.

  • Hi there I had a mastectomy 18 days ago and also breast reconstruction, not from my own tissue though. Everything has gone really well. Feeling okay, still having some discomfort but this is mainly from the armpit where they took sentinel node biopsies. This is the second time of having breast cancer, the first time on the right I had lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Hope all goes well with your treatment x

  • Morning Shorifa,  its such a personal choice isn't it? I had 2 lymph nodes removed, i start radiotherapy in 10days & will take Tamoxifen too. Small steps, each day as it comes. 

    I felt i could opt for reconstruction at a later date if i so wished. I was terrified too, it really is best not to google too much. Sometimes ignorance is bliss & your surgeon & nurses will tell you what you need to know as you need to know it, which makes it more manageable.

    A friends mum showed me her scar, she too decided against reconstruction & is 4yrs on. That reassured me, she spoke about the drain you may habe? that too sounded awful but really wasn't too bad! Make sure you treat yourself to some nice button front pyjamas tops! I love sea turtles & managed to find some with those on!!! Also a nursing V shaped pillow was useful, stops you rolling on to your back! As a front sleeper i wasn't looking forward to that, but that was ok too..The nurses should give you a soft pillow, that was great, i put it on my chest & crossed my arms over it to sleep & stop my cat pouncing on me! 

    The exercises they give you will feel very slow, don't do a me & play ( in my case 80's music) & start dancing them to make them more interesting. They are meant to be done slowly!!! Ish!! I was told to start them day after surgery.

    I think i've probably waffled enough now, i hope i've offered some reassurance!

    Off to do my exercises!

    & it's good to hear the other lady is doing well too & can reassure you on the reconstruction front.


  • HI 

    Im haing mastecttomy in 2 weeks with my tummy tiisue for reconstruction 

    anyone had the re con using tummy 

    i am scared re whole thing.

  • Offline in reply to maddog

    Hi - I was told today that I will need a mastectomy, I was originally told that I would have a lumpectomy so, a bit of a shock. They discussed reconstruction using a “flap” from abdomen. 
    I hope all goes well for your surgery. Did they offer to do reconstruction or did you have to request it? Will you need reconstruction on other breast to match? Still taking it all in. 

  • Offline in reply to SuePC

    Hi yes they offered tummy deip to me

    end July all planned for

    no the reconstruction I believe will match existing -don’t want that to be fiddle with tbh

  • Hi there I didn’t have reconstruction from my own tissue so not the same as you. Had reconstruction with T Loop. All went really well and I am starting to feel better now after 4 weeks post op.  There is a bit of difference in the size but I am due to see the surgeon after six months to see how all has settled and have been offered a “lift” on the other breast if needed. Will see how I feel. The right breast has previously had a lumpectomy done 5 years ago so was already quite changed. Hope all goes well for you both 

    Mary x