
Hello, I have just been diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma & now waiting for an appointment with Heamatology..

This has come as a shock as had a biopsy on lung and told no cancer found but then biopsies were sent off for second opinion and told I have Lymphoma.. although consultant did not say the Cancer word! 
I am confused and hope I don’t have to wait too long for this appointment..

Any helpful information would be appreciated.

  • Hello TJ68

    I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis of lymphoma and that it came out of the blue whilst you were undergoing other investigations. It's understandable that you may be feeling confused and overwhelmed by this news. 

    I would imagine that you wouldn't have to wait too long for the appointment with the haematology specialist. Hopefully, they will be able to give you some clearer information and reassurance about the recommended next steps. 

    In the meantime, you might find it helpful to give our nurses a call. I know they will be happy to offer any information, advice and support they can ahead of your appointment as well as help you think about any questions that you might want to ask the Consultant. If you'd like to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    This is obviously a worrying time for you TJ68. Keep in touch with us here at Cancer Chat. We're here to listen and offer any help and support we can. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello TJ68

    My results for the lump in my neck were inconclusive the first time, but the specialist team have confirmed it is Lymphoma, and I found out yesterday. I was told I will have an appointment for next week with Heamatology for Chemo. Because of the original results I was positive it was OK. It still hasn't sunk in yet, as I have too many questions going on in my head. I hope that all is going well for you by now. I wish you all the best.

  • Hello Azzariah

    Thanks for your message, I’m glad you have got an appointment .

    Sorry it is not better news but you will at least get a plan in place..

    I saw haematologist last week & he wants another PET scan & biopsy on the lump that is at the side of my chest to confirm. I’m glad in a way , it’s good to get another opinion. He thinks the tablet I take could have caused this & I believe this to be the case when I read up on it.. I had a kidney problem few years back but under control now. My consultant did say the tablets can cause cancer.

    Anyway I’m hoping that all this can be confirmed this time as it’s now not 100% certainty so I am a bit confused.. although haematology said they could give me this drug that suppresses the B Cells which is given along side chemotherapy. 
    Hoping I could have this to start rather than chemotherapy as I know what this does to your body due to my sister having it.
    I am reducing the drug I take in the hope it reduces the nodule in lung & various lumps in my body. 
    Maybe you won’t go straight onto chemo?? 
    Well keep positive & I wish you well ..

    Please let me know how you get on if you want to, but I am happy to chat anytime.

    Take Care.