I had a biopsy of a polyp taken last week. I've been told over the phone I have skin cancer

Hi all.

im hoping someone can help me make some sense of things.

i received a phone call earlier from my local hospital after i had a biopsy of a polyp taken last week. The lovely lady was very apologetic to have to tell me over the phone it’s skin cancer. She explained i will be sent some dates for a ct scan and mri and then I will have a big meeting to discuss treatment.

this may sound very ignorant but I’m a bit confused. Do I have cancer? I only went in to have a polyp lanced so it would be more comfortable having a bowel movemnet! I’ve been waiting for a call to let me know when the removal will be.
i explained to the lady that i have trouble retaining verbal information and she said to write down skin cancer, appointments and meeting to follow.

I have autism and find it very difficult to process verbal information. She has said that she has added that to my file for future communications.

Hope some of that makes sense at least!

  • Hello KernowCalling

    I'm sorry to hear that what you thought was going to be a simple procedure has led to you reciveing a phone call where you were told you have skin cancer. It's understandable that you have questions and concerns about this and what the next steps will be. 

    I'd suggest contacting the hospital PALS team. It's part of their role to provide a point of contact for patients and help you with health-related questions and to resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS. Hopefully they will be able to arrange for someone to send you the information you need to clarify what the situation is for you and give you some reassurance. 

    If it would help to talk with one of our nurses about this you can contact them in a couple of ways. They're available by phone Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. Alternatively you can post in our Ask the Nurses topic area or you can use the Contact a Nurse form to get in touch with them by email. 

    Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your next appointments and the team will be able to give you some reassurance about things. 

    Do keep in touch KernowCalling and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator