New carcinosarcoma diagnosis

I have been diagnosed with this aggressive cancer. Got a CT scan today, awaiting MRI to decide treatment plan. I am worried about the waiting as I don't know how quickly the illness will advance.                                             

  • Hello Cfb

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with carcinosarcoma. It's obviously a very worrying time for you and natural that you will have concerns and questions. 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting for tests and results so that the best course of treatment can be planned is often a difficult time. The unknown can be a scary prospect to face and it's understandable that you're anxious about what is happening with your body whilst you're waiting for news. 

    It can often help to talk with someone about how you're feeling and I wonder if you might find it useful to chat through your diagnosis and some of your concerns with one of our nurses. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and support they can ahead of your next appointment. If you'd like to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    In the meantime, this post about waiting for news may give you some useful advice and tips to help you get through the next few days and weeks. 

    Keep in touch Cfb and let us know how you're doing. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks for your reply Jenn. I am not really ready to talk to anyone yet. I haven't even told my family the full seriousness of the problem. I have had scans and have a meeting with my oncology team in 2 days to discuss what, if any, treatment is available. Hopefully they will have a plan. The time is dragging so and sleep is difficult. Roll on Friday.

  • Offline in reply to Cfb

    Had the best possible news (under the circumstances) . The cancer doesn't appear to have spread so I am suitable for primary surgery. Unfortunately it can't be done at my local hospital as they don't deal with this type of cancer, so I have got travel to the nearest sarcoma centre. Shame, but hey ho ,glad to be getting it done. Should be within a couple of weeks  

  • Offline in reply to Cfb

    I am glad it has not spread and that surgery will be done soon. Once I had a diagnosis and an appointment at a cancer hospital in London, it was about four weeks later that the sarcoma was removed from me.

  • Offline in reply to Mary.

    Thanks Mary. I am booked for surgery on Monday., which is quick. Just be glad to get it done now

  • Offline in reply to Cfb

    Are you the Mary who had a huge op 7 months ago ? If so, I'm glad you're here and chatting

  • Offline in reply to Cfb

    Yes, that's me :)
    I am very, very fortunate.

  • Offline in reply to Mary.

    That is such wonderful news that you are on your road to recovery after such a massive operation. Your post must give hope to others on this forum. I am in for my op on 17 th but will be thinking of you the next day and will be looking to your thread ( when I am able). Every good wish xx

  • Offline in reply to Cfb

    I shall be thinking of you on 17th. Will you be in London (we are not supposed to put the names of hospitals)?

  • Offline in reply to Mary.

    No I am in Essex. Only 3 more sleeps !!