Diagnosis before biopsy results

Today hasn’t been the best of days, but really trying to put a smile on my face and keep a positive mind.

Last week I went to my gp as I found a small lump in my right breast, on examination it was determined that I fit the 2 week criteria for referral to the breast clinic. 

Just under 2 weeks my appointment was booked.   

Today was my breast clinic appointment and it’s not what I expected, I was taken to a room to get into a gown, a surgeon seen me first with a nurse to examine me, he asked me to identify the area and then proceeded to examine me, he was quick to mark the area with a cross of where he identified the lump, he asked if it was ok for the nurse to also examine me so she could tell the difference between both breasts, which I agreed.

I was then sent for a mammogram on both breast for comparison not that anything was suspicious in my left breast. I was then asked to sit outside where I waited and was called for an ultrasound scan , once in the room the nurse said a doctor will be coming to scan me, as soon as she scanned me, she said that biopsies were required and she would take 3 of them.

I was surprised it wasn’t painful in anyway, a needle was put in the area of the site of the lump and then the biopsies were performed. I was then asked to put my gown back on and sit in the waiting area, again after some time I was called back to the first room I was originally examined by the surgeon. The surgeon then told me that the lump is sinister, trying to take in what he had just said, I asked for clarification that he believed the lump is sinister to which he responded with yes, that’s why the biopsies were preformed. 

The surgeon left the room and the kind nurse made me a cup of tea, gave me a much needed hug and discussed depending the results will depend what treatment is required 

I am struggling because I didn’t think such news would be shared until biopsy results were back with certainty and I just felt and still feel numb  

Now I’m really struggling to comprehend all this and being a glass half full kind of lady,  I keep telling myself it’s not confirmed until I go back Wednesday next week for the results, but my head is all over and I can’t stop breaking down crying.  

I just needed to get this down on paper so to speak, to hopefully help me digest and hopefully feel support from an amazing people on here. 


  • I Feel sick constantly and have a nervous belly, trying to get on with day to day, but the thoughts creep in, Wednesday will be here soon. 

  • Hiya,

    I hope you're ok. I'm not a medical professional but can tell you my story was similar to yours although my lump was picked up on the routine mammogram.

    The doctors, nurses and radiologists who work with breast cancer patients know what cancer looks like so they've likely spotted a tumour in your breast. It is protocol to tell you this at this point so it prepares you for the biopsy result and you are able to take it in. Sorry to be so blunt but that's exactly what happened to me. They can be wrong of course but not often. Now the good news is that when you get your results, there will be a way forward and you'll be well looked after and informed. It's scary, I know but treatment these days is excellent and you will be fine. I am now 2.5 post treatment and doing well, better than before in fact. 

    There are lots of ladies and men in here who will be with you along the way. Anything you want to know just ask.

    Best wishes 

    Jane xx

  • Jane, thank you and I appreciate your direct response,

    I know deep down what they said isn’t said lightly, I just wish I had my husband there with me as I think he is in denial as just keeps saying let’s see what they say Wednesday, which I agree but also want him to be prepared as much as me for whatever result I’m given.

    I’m trying to be positive and not let it take over my thoughts, however, I am struggling and that’s not me as I always go head on into challenges but this has sideswiped me. 

    Colleen xx

  • Glad you are doing well 2.5 years on xx

  • Writing it down does help, I have found that.Also, there is unconditional support  from people that can empathise having been in your situation, or a similar one. I wish that health professionals did not say what they think it is before biopsy results are back. However, it could be benign.

    It is easy to say don't worry, but you will as we all do. We shall be thinking of you.

    I'm glad the nurse was kind.

  • Thank you Mary, means a lot, just wish Wednesday was here sooner xx

  • Hi Colleen,

    I hope I haven't upset you, being a bit direct but it's better to have a heads up before you go for your results. I know exactly how you're feeling, I was the same. I have a busy job where I am resp onsible for major decisions and do it well but this completely floored me. Massive swings in mood from optimism to planning my own funeral, it's blinking awful! But one thing I do know for sure is that you will receive the best care and be getting on with your life before you know it. 

    Let us know how it goes on Wednesday, I bet it feels so far away right now but it'll be here before you know it

  • Hi Boomer1965, not at all lovely, I’d rather have it straight with no sugar coating, it’s something that needs to be faced full on and I appreciate your message xx

  • Thank you Mary, I wanted Wednesday to be here, but now it’s approaching not so much, but I need the answers , I’m hoping for a false positive and pray they may have it wrong but also prepared myself too. X