Squamous cell carcinoma


I have finally had a diagnosis and have been told I have Squamous Cell carcinoma of the throat so will be having radiotherapy and chemotherapy combined. Are the chemotherapy drugs used in this combination always the same for each person or are different ones used depending on stage and where cancer is within the body 

Many thanks  

  • Hello Bexbex52

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with cancer. It's understandable that you may have questions about the recommended treatment and what lies ahead. 

    The type of chemotherapy drug or combination of drugs that the Consultants recommend will depend on a number of factors related to your diagnosis and health. Once you know more about the type of drugs you will be having you might want to look at the information we have about cancer drugs on our website. 

    We know that for many people receiving this news and waiting for treatment to then start can be daunting. I wanted to give you a link to this thread where a number of other forum members have shared their experiences of treatment for head and neck cancers. You may be able to chat with others there who can give you some advice and reassurance ahead of your treatment starting. 

    We also have a team of nurses here at Cancer Research UK that you can call to talk to at any point if you feel it may help. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and support they can. If you'd like to chat with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 (excluding bank holidays). 

    I hope that you have some news soon. Do keep in touch Bexbex52 and let us know how you're doing. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks for your reply I have a meeting with the oncology team next week so hopefully will have more information and then will be back on to you  

  • I hope you are coping ok. I have SCC in my nasal cavity. Waiting on date for my radiotherapy to start, but no chemo in my case. I was diagnosed in March so I have processed it now and feel more settled and accepting of the situation, but early on my emotions were a rollercoaster and I found talking to my Macmillan nurse was such an amazing help.

    Also have you seen Rhod Gilbert's documentary about his cancer treatment? He had head and neck cancer too. It gives insight into how treatment goes and the side effects, but in a very truthful, poignant and positive way. It really opened my eyes to what to expect, and the fact that he's now cancer free gives me lots of optimism.

  • Good luck with the treatment 

    I will have a watch of that documentary thanks for letting me know about that 

    The Macmillan group and nurses have been a great support 

    I think it's very much a day by day situation enjoy the good days and dig deep for the hard ones

    Take care ️