No treatment options stage 4 NSCLC :(

No genetic mutations and PLD1 status is negative therefore immunotherapy and targeted drug out of the question for my mum now :( 

Oncologist also said providing chemo would be dangerous for my mum due to her bloods. She has low haemoglobin at 87 (even after 2 blood transfusions), high CRP infection marker, high platelets and high white blood cells so they are saying it’s too risk and there isn’t anything that can be done. The results that they looked at were 2 weeks ago so we have requested the GP complete new bloods and we are hoping for a second opinion but I’m gutted. I am expecting twins at the end of August and want mum to at least meet them. It’s heartbreaking:(

Mum is doing well she is working (from home), eating well although lost lots of weight, able to be up and about (although she can get breathless) so the bloods tell us a very different story.

Has any been through this or had chemo with abnormal bloods please?? I’m trying to understand if a second opinion is worth it.

The horrible part is it’s the cancer that is playing havoc with the bloods but there’s no way of treating the cancer to stop it doing that 

  • Hi Twins2024,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm very sorry to hear of the situation with your mum, this is a lot to be dealing with. It sounds like you are waiting on new blood results, so I hope you get those soon.

    In terms of asking for a second opinion, this is quite a personal decision. Hopefully you'll get some more replies soon from other members of the forum who may have advice or thoughts to offer.

    You are also welcome to give our nurses a call if you'd like to talk things through. You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Do be sure to keep looking after yourself among all this too.

    We're always here for support if you need it. Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I can’t offer any advice I’m afraid but my dad seems to be at the same stage in terms of his health day to day. He was told today he has months not years due to his cancer spreading from bowel to liver and his liver now going into failure so no treatment options. 

    just sending you so much love and really hope your mum is here for the arrival of your twins