Tamoxifen stopped my periods for nearly 1 and a half years

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I have been on here but could really use some advice from people who actually have been through the same thing, so I was diagnosed in August 2022 with ER & PR postive stage 1 grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, had lumpectomy and conserving surgery in September 2022, 10 sessions of radiotherapy over 3 weeks in October and November 2022 and 1 week after radiotherapy finished I started taking Tamoxifen around Mid November 2022, straight away my periods stopped, only had 3 months of periods before that as had the mirena coil but had to have it removed before my surgery and hadn't had a period whilst having the coil just over 4 and a half years.

So now nearly 1 year and 5ish months later being on Tamoxifen and out of the blue I woke up to stomach cramps and finding that I am having a period is this normal to go so long without bleeding to now having a period or should I be concerned, I should also say I have recently had a Hysteroscopy and biopsy the beginning of April 2024 but everything came back fine so don't understand why this is happening now.

  • Hello Kelle,

    As this bleeding is unexpected, you should contact your doctor to make sure everything is ok. It's encouraging that you're last biopsy came back fine, but it would be helpful to keep your doctor updated by making them aware of this, if you haven't already.

    You might find it helpful to speak to one of our nurses. You can call them Monday - Friday between 9am and 5pm on 0808 800 4040

    All the best,

    Moderator Anastasia