Feeling nervous about having a port fitted

I’m so anxious about having a port fitted, earlier this week I had an appointment to have a picc line inserted but I couldn’t tolerate the pain so the nurse had to stop as she had given me the max amount of local anaesthetic.

Ive now been told a port is a better option for me and I should have it done under conscious sedation .. has anyone else had this done? 

Any reassurance would be appreciated.


  • Hi princess74, I opted for a port, rather than a PICC line. A PICC has to be flushed every week, but this is not necessary with a port. I too was really nervous before and asked if they could sedate me. They insisted I would be fine with just local anaesthetic and gas and air. The procedure went really well and everyone was so lovely and very reassuring throughout. It was a shame that they couldn't fit me in for the procedure at the start of my treatment. My first two chemos were through a canula in my arm, which did cause the veins to ache for several weeks, so I'm pleased that I did end up having the port fitted. Good luck with everything, hope all goes well. Xx

  • Hi Pippin24, thank you for your reply. How are you doing?

    I remember talking to you before but then lost the chat.

    I had a terrible experience when they tried with the picc it was so painful I couldn’t tolerate it so they have said they would sedate me for the port.

    Ive only had one round of chemo as my veins are so bad, I should have had round 3 yesterday so I’m unfortunately a bit behind because of it.

    Feeling very anxious about it all.


  • Hi princess74,  I'm doing really well at the moment. So far I've had three cycles of EC and one of docetaxel, with three more docetaxel to go. I had been really anxious moving onto the stronger chemo, but all went well and I feel fine. A friend of mine also had a bad experience when they tried fitting a PICC line for her and they couldn't do it. She is now also waiting for a port. Someone else who told me of their experience also had it done under sedation. She said she woke up and it was all over. Try not too worry too much, you will be fine and it's certainly worth having done. Have you any idea when you're having the procedure?

  • Hi! Glad to hear your doing well and only 3 more to go!

    My consultant has requested it as urgent as I’m so behind in my chemo but he has no clue how long I will wait.

    Im trying not to feel anxious, it’s nice to hear your doing well xx