In shock: I have endometrial cancer which looks like stage one

Just had a call today following biopsies and heard the words you have cancer...that is not all that was said, and I'm still processing and filtering. I have endometrial cancer which looks like stage one, now waiting for an mri appointment. I have been reading all day, I know it could be so much worse, I'm aware of all the facts and stats, but I still feel in a state of shock, I can't bring myself to tell anyone because I'm not sure I can handle the reactions. I feel kind of numb, like it's all a strange dream. I apologise for not making any sense, and if I don't respond, I just needed to say out out loud somewhere, I have cancer, I still don't quite believe it !!! 

  • Offline in reply to JoJo95

    Would any of you be able to share please what your initial symptoms were?

  • Offline in reply to Ali_68

    Mine was very light bleeding twice. Only noticed when wiping after having a wee.

    please if you have any symptoms phone your GP. So glad I did.

  • Same as JoJo95, my symptoms were very light bleeding (hardly anything) that I noticed when wiping after a wee. From my initial appointment with my GP to having my hysterectomy was 7 weeks and 6 days…. a whirlwind time! Mine was graded 1a. Luckily it was caught and treated very early. Glad I listened to what my body was telling me. 

  • Mine too was 1a. Now nearly 3 weeks post hysterectomy and have been told no further treatment required.

    Now recovering slowly. I’m glad I phoned my GP.

  • Offline in reply to JoJo95

    That’s amazing both - so glad you caught it early.

    I may start my own thread when I know a bit more but with the greatest respect, hopefully it won’t lead to this.

    I have had a post menopausal bleed but it was more like a proper period, with a beginning, a middle and an end.  I am currently going through tests but my uterus isn’t playing ball and all 3 attempts at taking a biopsy have failed - even the last attempt under GA. I had a MRI on Monday to see if that would give any clearer indication of a polyp which was spotted during my first scan but as it only measures 7mm I’m not hopeful of a clear picture. 

    So for me at the moment it’s a waiting game but I don’t feel right. I had a very slight pinky discharge on Tuesday but that could be down to the hysteroscopy I had 7 days previous - it’s just odd though that I hadn’t bled before then as they told me I would. 

    Wish me luck ladies! And I would really appreciate any thoughts or feedback you may have on my particular experience. 

  • Offline in reply to Ali_68

    Mine was 1 very small brown blob no bigger than a little finger nail once n May and again in June was diagnosed with 1B and had hysterectomy 2 weeks ago not sure what other treatment I need yet a total whirlwind of emotions!

  • Offline in reply to Ali_68

    I had a pinky discharge after my initial biopsy but nothing after or before hysterectomy or since 

  • Offline in reply to JoJo95

    Hi , op follow up was as expected confirmation grade 1 stage 1B and also would like me to have vaginal Brachytherapy as an added safeguard so not to bad just glad no chemo or external radiation needed. Going to Cornwall for 10 days next week for a well earned break and a change of scenery.xx

  • Offline in reply to a07

    Ah so glad you got answers and on the whole positive news. Glad you are getting away, we definitely deserve it! I too am going away next week,  looking forward to it too. Have a wonderful time. Keep in touch and good luck for your treatment x

  • Offline in reply to JoJo95

    How are you, Hope your holiday went well. I am fine just waiting for 3 Bracchytherapy treatments. Holiday break was great but went so quick I still feel anxious about recurrence but hopefully it will stop most of the time. Not looking forward to the winter but at least we’re feeling well. Xx