In shock: I have endometrial cancer which looks like stage one

Just had a call today following biopsies and heard the words you have cancer...that is not all that was said, and I'm still processing and filtering. I have endometrial cancer which looks like stage one, now waiting for an mri appointment. I have been reading all day, I know it could be so much worse, I'm aware of all the facts and stats, but I still feel in a state of shock, I can't bring myself to tell anyone because I'm not sure I can handle the reactions. I feel kind of numb, like it's all a strange dream. I apologise for not making any sense, and if I don't respond, I just needed to say out out loud somewhere, I have cancer, I still don't quite believe it !!! 

  • Offline in reply to Shakey

    Just been diagnosed with womb cancer today and waiting for scan appointments, trying to carry on as normal and just hoping like you it’s only stage 1 

  • Offline in reply to Wiseowl1

    I like you was diagnosed 10 days ago just waiting to see if it has spread hope my results are as promising as yours feeling very apprehensive 

  • Offline in reply to Wiseowl1

    How are you now I get my full results on Friday

  • Offline in reply to a07

    Hi a07 The waiting is a horrible time- the worst part I think! I have a hysterectomy booked for Monday 19th August. My consultant is confident it’s been caught very early and is very contained and that I should not need any more treatment. I’m not so worried about the operation; more the aftercare as I live on my own. My daughter will be around the first week and will stay with me, but she’s got work to juggle and 2 young children to look after too. Luckily her partner is brilliant and he has taken time off work too. I have got a timetable/ rota that I’m gradually filling in whenever friends say- let me know what I can do. I whip out my rota and get them to sign up! I just want to be sure I have someone popping in every day for the first 2 or 3 weeks. 
    Good look for Friday. I felt much better when I knew what I was dealing with and I had a plan! 

  • Offline in reply to Wiseowl1

    Thank you hope everything goes well keep in touchx

  • Offline in reply to Wiseowl1

    Results were stage 1B so feel a lot better as convinced myself it was going to be stage 4 so glad I went to GP after a very tiny amount of bleeding less than a little finger nail size May and June Having op in next 4 weeks  so feel really confident I will be fine.

  • Hi im sorry to read your diagnosis. Can I please ask how long your biopsy results took?  I had biopsies 7 weeks ago and there was a large suspicious polyp removed.  I keep trying to chase result as was told looked like cancer but getting.nowhere as said samples sent to outside lab.  I am beside myself waiting  7 weeks with no news.  Was this your experience?  Thanks. 

  • I had a polyp removal and biopsy on the 19 June and had a phone call to book a follow up appt on 4 July.  My follow up on 9 July and found out the polyp was precancerous and the biopsy had both cancerous and precancerous cells.  I was then booked for a MRI scan on 17 July and a week later I found out I was stage 1a.  I already n knew I was type 1, grade 1.  I’m currently being treated with the hormone Provera as I am classed as high risk for surgery due to other medical conditions.  I have to have another biopsy every 3 months to see if the cancerous cells are reversing.

  • Took 2 weeks and now have had op and waiting yet another set of results pretty anxious because couldn’t take lymph node sample