Cathy D - newly diagnosed with TNBC. I have questions about treatment.

Hi Everyone 

Iv  recently been diagnosed with a grade 3 triple negative breast cancer. 
Does having a PICC line put in hurt? im too scared and embarrassed to ask. And does Chemo hurt. I don’t want to upset anyone. But you are clearly the best people to ask. 
thank you all so much xx

  • Hi CathyD, sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis of grade 3 triple negative breast cancer. I myself had a port fitted in my chest, rather than a PICC line. This procedure is a little more invasive, but involves less maintenance afterwards. I have spoken to others that have had PICC lines put in, without any issues. I have just had my 4th cycle of chemo and haven't had any pain during the administering of it. I have also been pretty lucky so far, having minimal side effects. Everyone is different of course, but there are always people to call should you have any issues. I wish you well on your journey moving forward. X

  • Thank you so much for your kindness  and advice. Take care x