Waiting for a treatment plan after biopsy showed secondary melanoma in lymph node

biopsy on lump showed secondary melanoma in a lymph node   I’ve had a scan and blood tests. Tomorrow I get my results. I’ve NEVER had primary cancer to my knowledge and my bloods are all perfect. I can’t understand why my bloods are fine and I’m told I’ve had primary cancer and now aggressive melanoma in a lymph node close to my groin. I’m so frightened that the scan will show up something awful even though I’m convinced I will be fine. I haven’t lost weight. Never tired and perfectly healthy.  The whole thing is beyond belief.  
Has anyone else experienced this??

  • Yes, many melanoma patients in your position have experienced this. 

    Firstly, there is no blood marker that shows melanoma - Australian scientists are trying to invent one but we are still waiting. So the blood tests you have had won't show melanoma, they will only show any other problems with all the other things they look at ie. liver, immune system etc. 

    Secondly, a small number of patients don't know they have melanoma until it has spread & becomes secondary. That's because some melanomas (moles) can regress & disappear so there is no primary. This happens when the immune system does it's job & attacks the malignant cells but it's too late to stop it spreading because a cell has already broken away & travelled through the lymphatic or blood system & come to rest in a lymph node. 

    The thing to concentrate on is that you are feeling well & that the results of your scan will get your treatment plan moving. Treatment is much more advanced than it was when I was first diagnosed (Stage 1 in 1996) and when diagnosed again 15 years ago. Keep positive & keep eating well so that your immune system is strong to get you through.

    Angie x


  • Angie,you are so kind to take the time to write to me again. I’d almost convinced myself that the diagnosis was a mistake but realise now that it’s fact and I need to face up to it and accept that this is real ad what will be will be.

    The treatment plan will be unveiled tomorrow and we will all have to accept this and deal with it as best we can. 
    I thank God that I am as fit as a fiddle and eating the best of foods.I’ll let you know tomorrow where I stand. The fear that the cancer has spread is our greatest fear but praying that it hasn’t b

    i hope you are well and enjoying life. 


  • Hi  

    we are in the same position as you with my Dad, his biopsy results from a lump in his leg showed melanoma in the lymph nodes but no idea where the primary is.

    he also feels well and fit. We are awaiting results from his CT scan which feels like an eternity!!

    What were the next steps once you heard about your CT scan, did your scan show up much? We are not sure what to expect to be honest…

  • Hi Biscuitz, it’s been a couple of months since we were in touch and I’m hoping all has gone well for your father. 
    I had a groin dissection on 21 st June and had the pathology results on Monday. Thank goodness there was no cancer in any of the nodes removed and none in the surrounding tissue. I see the oncologist on 17th September with a view to arranging treatment. So far. So good. 
    please reply. 
    thanks, Rosemary.