Grade 1

Hi I have had my biopsy results and I have grade 1 breast cancer and 1 lymph node affected. I won't know the staging until.2 weeks after my lumpectomy. Surgery booked for the 15th May. I am convinced I have stage 2 as I have a lymph node affected but I'm confused about the grading as when I look into this there is no stage 2 grade 1 that I can see. I know I will just have to wait and see. But would like other people experience with stages and grades please.

  • Hi Gemma,

    Sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with BC. I had it in 2021 stage 1 grade 2. When I had the initial biopsy, I was told it was grade 1 but when I got the full results after surgery it was grade 2. I wouldn't get too hung up on the grade/stage at this point because it isn't until they get it out and check your lymph nodes that you get the full picture. You'll also torture yourself trying to fathom it all out. You'll be well looked after and will have all you need to know soon enough. Take care x

  • I would agree, don't get hung up on grades/stages as it is confusing ans everyone seems to get told at different stages of the journey. I was told grade 2 after intial biopsy,  nothing on stage. Had masectomy and on follow up appt nothing said re grade/stage and can you belive I forgot to ask! So the facts are no lymph node involvmenr, bigger than intially thought IDC and DCIS, already knew hormone positive, but the HER2 came back borderline so now a FISH test being done (more waiting) gurss my point is how on earth can I make sense of grade/stage so no more researching, which is driving me mad and just wait for oncology appt. Hope that helps a little. Good luck