New diagnosis stage 1 skin cancer

Hi is recovery time different after 2nd wider surgery, is there then further follow up and do you stay out of sun moving forward or just cover up op site? 

  • Hi,

    Yes, recovery time is longer because they take a much larger margin of skin and tissue. Depending on the location of the WLE it may take much longer, especially if it's on a leg (weight bearing means a longer healing time). 

    There is a period of follow up appointments where your moles and lymph node areas will be checked. They will also show you how to check your lymph nodes regularly.

    You need to learn a whole new sun safety regime - when outside in the UK between March and October, or abroad any time of year, use SPF sun screen (minimum SPF 30, 4 or 5 star) on uncovered areas. Try to wear long sleeves, keep legs covered, a hat and sunglasses (you can get melanoma of the eye). Stay in shade and avoid being in sun at hottest time of day (11 until 4).

    Good luck with your WLE,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Offline in reply to AngieT

    Thank you that’s really helpful.

  • Offline in reply to AngieT

    It’s on my abdomen  on waist band area .

  • Offline in reply to P21

    Just be careful when sitting and try not to stretch until the sound has healed.