What to do?

Hello, I had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago, and they have called me back in to say I need further surgery. They originally found a lump 2cm grade 2 invasive breast cancer - it turns out  there were 2 x 5 cm lumps and a lot of infected tissue surrounding close to my breastbone, it is also grade 3 not 2 although has not gone into the lymph nodes. I’m confussed as to why the doc said ‘we don’t use staging’ ? Secondly, should I go for the masectomy and reconstruction or another lumpectomy which will leave me with uneven breasts?  I also don’t know whether I will have to have radio or chemo?  Any advice please? I’m 55 years old.  

  • I was also told they did not stage or grade . I had bilateral mastectomies,could have had partial on right side but felt better removing them both ,felt even then . I had reconstructive surgery a year later ,had chemotherapy in between.Going to have the silicone implants next month after having my chest expanders in for a few months .Its all a very personal decision,I had myself put on waiting list for reconstructive surgery straight away ,as I wasn’t sure if I was going to have it done or not . I am 62 and happy I have had it done . See how you feel,don’t rush into it .Give yourself some time .Good luck ,stay positive xxx

  • Thank you for your advice. I didn’t realise how long the process would be, or about expanders.  I hope you have cleared yours for good now!  I’ve got an appointment come through for this evening so hopefully I’ll get some information from them.

    thanks and good luck