Letter saying sorry to hear about your recent cancer diagnosis.

Hi all, wonder if anyone has had this. My mums had bloods done a couple of months ago and the most recent appointment at the doctors they suggested she would get a letter from haematology. She has not received this appointment but got a letter saying sorry to hear about your most recent cancer diagnosis. They suggested her bloods were abnormal at the appointment but wanted to rule out cancer and it may not be that. My mum doesn't read English so we haven't told her. But we are worried sick for her, because the doctors haven't said she has got cancer! How can they send a letter like this??? And on a Saturday when the surgery isn't even open. 

Could this be a error? Has anyone had this? What was the outcome? 

Thanks in advance!

  • Welcome to the forum F7884 although I'm sorry to hear about the letter that your mum has received. This must have come as quite a shock.

    I'm not sure if you've been able to get through to anyone who is looking after your mum since making this post, but if not, do try and get in touch with her medical team as only they will be able to explain what's going on. If you're not able to speak to them however, maybe you could ask your mum's GP to look in to this for you instead, just be sure you have your mum's permission to speak with her GP before doing so.

    Hopefully you will receive some advice from our members soon but if you'd like to discuss any of this with one of our cancer nurses in the meantime, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to help.

    We're thinking of you F7884 and will have our fingers crossed you're able to find out more soon.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator