Waiting biopsy results following surgery


I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma in February and had surgery to remove this and test sential  lymph nodes lasr week and I am awaiting the biopsy results my doctor letter indicates that I have positive receptors for oestrogen and positive receptors  for HER I am worried that this will mean I am more likely to need Chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy rather than just radiotherapy any advice would be appreciated I can only find references to her_2 when I use Google, waiting for results and treatment plan really is the hardest part , many thanks for reading x

  • Hi Sandradee

    Thank you for.your response I hope your journey goes well, and chemotherapy is not to bad for you in readinees for your surgery,. I found the lumpectomy not to painful afterwards but perhaps that is because I then became more fixated on what next, I have only been in this group for a short while and I am amazed at all the different treatments alternatives depending on your individual circumstances everyone seems to be looked after really well and all the comments i have read have been positive, everyone really does try to help everyone, and it's nice to speak with others going through the same. Please let me know how your chemotherapy goes x 

  • Thank you and yes everyone has been so kind.