Newly diagnosed prostate cancer


I’m 62 years old a recently diagnosed with Prostate cancer. I am T2, Gleason 7 (3+4). I have been given the options of having surgery, External beam radiotherapy or Brachytherapy (HDR, High dose rate)

In my own mind I have narrowed it down to surgery (radical prostatectomy) or Brachytherapy. However I’m confused as to which to pick.

Im concerned about the side effects of surgery but also concerned that if I have Brachytherapy and the cancer returns it is more complex to get rid of it. i.e. I have been told radiotherapy isn’t an option and surgery can be more difficult after having Brachytherapy. 

Does anyone have any views or advice on this and would also love to hear from people that have has Brachytherapy (HDR) and understand how they felt about the procedure and after effects.

Many thanks


  • Hi DavCo 

    we are exactly the same I was just recently diagnosed  with stage 2 and gleaon 3+4, Im 58 yrs old 

    Urologist told me that the Radiotherapy is not prefferably with my age so he left no other choice than radical prostatectomy which is I think will be favor on me 

    but at the moment Im commencing active surveillance, psa test every 3 months and to be assesed by urologist every 3 months too until I Decide for the treatment. All the best and good luck.


  • Hi Camilo, thanks so much for getting back to me. Interesting they say Radiotherapy is not for you due to age. Did they specifically mention Brachytherapy?

    It sounds like they’ve caught it relatively early for you so hope everything goes well with your active surveillance.


  • Hi David you doing nowadays. Hope you doin fine….

    Hope all supportive people around you may help you to choose the right decisions for your treatment. 
    I was diagnosed last Mar 17, 2024 of gleason 3+4 and since then I commenced for active surveillance but honestly it comes to the point that I am not comfortable anymore with this surveilance. 

    hope it goes well whatever decision that you may have, all the best for you. God bless


  • I don't understand why a young age rules out ERT, except maybe that it is I think basically a one time only treatment, with surgery ruled out should it return. 

    With a ludicrously high PSA and Gleason 9 I had ERT nearly 3 years ago, the only option at 72 y.o. It was easy enough to make the effort worthwhile  -  I very nearly decided against any treatment. Some side effects have continued,  but PSA levels remain satisfactory. I guess my advantage was that the cancer was entirely contained within the prostate.

    Be sure to ask any and all questions that occur. And that YOU know as many of the answers as possible in advance. There is much evidence that "expert patients" fare better.

    Good luck, Dave.