Kadcyla treatment

Hi, I’m Caro and new to the site. I am going to start Kadcyla post operation. I had 5% live cancer left after chemo in the tumour, when they took it out. No cancer left in my breast now and it hasn’t gone to my lymph nodes. I don’t know if I can take more chemo, the docetaxyl was awful. Has anyone on here had Kadcyla instead of just Docetaxyl for the Her2 and can share what the side effects were like for them? I know everyone is different, but I’d like to hear and also if you had any strategies to deal with them. I’ve heard that hemp oil can help? 

  • Hello Caro62

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and that following your surgery you're now facing further treatment. It's understandable that you have concerns and questions about this. 

    I know that we've had members post here on the forum before who have undergone Kadcyla treatment. I'd suggest using the forum search function at the top of the page to look for the term "kadcyla" where you'll be able to read some of those posts and the experiences that others have had with this treatment. 

    In terms of hemp oil, we have some information on our website about cannabis, CBD oil and cancer. Please do talk to your treatment team if this is an option you'd like to explore as sometimes conventional treatments can have adverse interactions with complementary therapies. 

    I hope that your breast care team are able to support you to make a decision that you feel comfortable with regarding the next steps in your treatment. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator