Immunotherapy - Cemiplimab

I am about to start treatment with Cemiplimab - immunotherapy. I have been fully briefed on all the possible side effects, but hopefully these will be manageable.

I would be interested to hear from anyone who is having the same treatment and how they are getting on.

I have previously had throat cancer four and a half years ago, but have been completely clear after radiotherapy etc and it is apparently not linked, just random bad luck!

  • Hello Francispw and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    Hopefully members on similar treatment can share their experiences with you and there is further information about Cemiplimab on our website, if you ever need it.

    All the best to you,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • I would like to bump this post.

    I too would like a patients view on Cemiplimab.

    I have advanced metastatic Skin SCC with too many new nodules lymphs nodes and lung nodules to treat all of them with surgery.

    Cemiplimab may offer some relief.

    I would like to know how tolerable the treatment is and whether there was any improvement in reducing or stabilising tumour growth.

  • Cemiplimab has been very manageable for me. The first few days after the treatment can be a bit difficult, making me feel very tired, so the answer then is to sleep. Thereafter you can get on with life, but at a slower pace as you do get tired quite easily, at least in my case. I have had one check scan after three months and the results were encouraging, so I am continuing the treatment, every three weeks.

  • Thank you for your reply Francis.

    I have just had surgery again to remove yet more Skin SCC large lesions on my head añd neck. But they are too numerous to remove all of them. The disease is metastatic and is present in lymph nodes and lung. I had parotid gland removed and radical neck dissection with radiotherapy to remove lymph nodes 10 years ago. Ive been fairly healthy until this year when cancer has returned with a vengeance.

    Cemiplimab has been mentioned as a possible  treatment. Waiting for surgery to heal and find out if Im a suitable candidat.

    Your reply gives me some hope that the treatment will be tolerable and possibly have some benefits.

    Good luck with your journey.

  • I had a different cancer five years ago, which wasn't pleasant, but got through it and have had no recurrence since, so it was a horrid shock to be diagnosed with a second, completely different cancer. Like you, I had to wait for a decision on whether Cemiplimab would be appropriate as, so I was told, it is not suitable  for everyone. I was told that they hoped the treatment would at least stop further spread and that for some it could actually shrink the tumours. My lymph node tumour has shrunk and the metastasis is stable, so it is helping. Best wishes to you.

  • Francis Thank you for the update on your experience with Cemiplimab. It has brightened my day up.

    A further question on the treatment Are you able to drive to and from the hospital on treatment day and if not is it OK to drive during the other 3 weeks between treatments?

    Best wishes Ed

  • My hospital is in Oxford and they have lots of parking availability. Also I have been given a pass so I do not have to pay.

    I have no problem with driving. I have a very helpful wife who will drive on the relatively few occasions when I feel a bit off colour. Generally however I have no problems with driving, which is very helpful in trying to lead as normal a life as possible.

  • Hi Francis your replies have been invaluable. I feel much more upbeat about the future now. Thank you for helping me out. Ed