Hi guys, this morning I was diagnosed as having BCC Skin Cancer, Yikkes.
My Mum had Rectal Cancer and my Dad recently had treatment for Prostrate Cancer, we have always said if we had a choice of which cancer we get it would always be skin cancer (not melanoma obv)
Back Story:-
Around 3 years ago I went to the GP as I had a tiny sore which my glasses had caused, she said she could see no changes in the skin but said I had done the right thing by getting it checked.
Move forward 2 years and this sore has not only not healed but got bigger (picking it, catching it with glasses or towels not helped) , sent a picture to GP (dermo specialist) who said it was nothing to worry about but will still refer me (on referal he put BCC which confused me because of what he had previously said).
Move forward to Jan this year (still not been seen from referal) I sent another pic to a different GP who too was not concerned as it actually looked smaller than before but would still chase up my referal.
Yesterday had a phone call to say a surgery had been opened up and could I attend. Went there kind of expecting to be discharged with a sore but he said straight away I have skin cancer (BCC) and I am booked in to have it removed on the 17th. I asked the obvious question of "am I going to die?" he shook his head but with my anxiety that was not good enough and told him he had to look me in the eye, fair play to him he moved his chair sat infront of me smiled and said I am going to be ok.
Cut the cancer out, take skin from my neck to replace the skin thats gone (all in 20 mins ), will take 2 weeks to heel and jobs a good un ( I hope).
Been reading up on this guy (plastic surgeon) and cannot see a bad word said about him.
So basically has anyone else been through this? Looking for reassurance tbh.