Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Pippin,

    This is fantastic news. After all that you've been through, a few sessions of radiotherapy should be a breeze for you.

    Have a great weekend.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Pippin

    That's great re your mobility.  Mine was so poor after chemo and surgery as I wasn't really able to do anything whilst having chemo as it completely knocked me for six.  I'm sure your tummy will heal soon and that's great all your other wounds have healed. 

    Re the Moving Forward course, they do like you to have completed all "active" treatment. I'm not sure if that includes radiotherapy, I suspect it might as you are still going to hospital (probably daily) for treatment.  You could always give them a call.  I had finished everything except immunotherapy when I went.  If you're radiotherapy is daily, you will get tired.  Not so much from the treatment itself but from the journey to hospital every day.  I would wait, but I don't know if that's the official line.  How many sessions are you having? 


  • Thanks for that info Carol, think I will wait until the radiotherapy is finished. Not sure yet how many radiotherapy treatments I will be having yet, need to have a meeting with oncology. Not actually sure how long I will have to wait after surgery, for them to do the radiotherapy, something I will need to find out. Take care and keep in touch. Xx

  • I really hope you don't mind joining your threads.  I've been reading with interest since I was diagnosed with ibc on the 8th October.  Things are now starting to move this week with a view to starting Chemo on Friday.  My treatment so far as I am aware will be Docetaxel  Carboplatin and Phesgo.  Also bisphosonate treatment once I have had dental check up.  It was a lot to digest but I think I have my head around it now.  Still up and down emotionally but getting better.  I am in the process of getting a wig/wigs so hopefully these will be available when the inevitable happens.  What I would like to ask is what are the Phesgo injections like and what are the other injections mentioned that you are having between chemo.  Thank you all.  

  • Hi ROBIN71, of course you are welcome to join this thread, we are all here to help each other. So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it does take a bit of time to get your head round it. I started on EC chemo for 3 cycles and my hair fell out quite quickly. Not sure if this will happen so quickly with docetaxel, as my hair started growing back before my last cycle of docetaxel. I would recommend a product called polybalm to protect your nails as docetaxel can cause nail damage. I used this throughout my treatment  and my nails have been fine. I am currently on phesgo injections and don't find them much of a problem. My husband trained at the chemo clinic and he now gives them to me at home. One side effect I seem to get is itchy arms, they give me anti histamine to help with this. I did also get some pain in my hip joints for a while, but this seems to have stopped now. I have to have an echocardiogram every 3 months while on phesgo, to monitor my heart. No issues so far, which is great. I've also now started zoledronic acid infusions, every 6 months for 3 years and had to visit dentist before starting. If you have any questions at any time feel fee to ask. Good luck on Friday, let us know how you get on xx

  • Thank you.  I've got a Muga scan tomorrow.  I really should have started my chemo on the 1st November but my referral for the Muga scan seemed to have gone astray between hospitals but I can't complain because I only saw the Oncologist on the 18th October. I'm having my pic fitted on Tuesday and face to face meeting with Oncologist Wednesday.  Just a bit worried at the moment because I am having a lot of pain in the boob and under the arm.  Boob has been very swollen /hard and has been very uncomfortable since my first appointment with Nurse at my GPs.  Ive had a CT scan too - nothing had spread to my lungs for liver.  Unfortunately we have a funeral on Thursday and fingers crossed Chemo will start on Friday.  Not looking forward to it  but just want rid if this.  Busy busy week.  Xx

  • I did got boob pain also, a couple of weeks after my biopsies. Good to hear that your ct scan showed no spread, that is a big relief. I opted for a port instead of a PICC line, only because I didn't want to have to go and get it flushed every week. You will get used to having lots of appointments. I have 2 this week, one for a wound dressing and one with oncology. Hope your week goes well, take care. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi Pippin.  This is the best news ever.  How wonderful for you and your family you must be so relieved.  Radiotherapy will seem like a breeze after everything you have endured so far.   
    I used iodine patches in my troublesome scars they worked a treat.   I'm also booked on moving on course January and February as was advised active treatment needed to have ended.  

    im really struggling with bone pain.  It seems to be increasing -  I'm back in chemo ward today for next zometa infusion and first lot of bloods since July !!   I had a wobble last week - was due to see oncologist in October so phoned to see when my appointment might be to be told probably not until end December.  I explained amount of pain I was in and histology result having found more cancer and how I wanted to speak directly with oncologist.  Reception queried if I needed urgent MRI scan - yet not being seen in timescales.  
    Anyhow I am now seeing oncologist tomorrow.  I'm hoping it is the medication but do feel anxious again - it's never ending 

    anyhow I've uplifted by your news. It really is fantastic 


  • Hi Carol

    i see you experienced poor mobility.  Was this the result of medication or just knock in effect of chemotherapy.  
    everyone responds so differently it can be confusing.  

    im pleased you found the course helpful and an ongoing support network.  I'm struggling emotionally so really looking forward to support around that 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Hi NGS, hope all goes smoothly for you today, with your zometer infusion. It's understandable that you get the odd wobble, especially when you have been expecting an imminent appointment, only to be told you have to wait another couple of months. So pleased they have now given you an appointment for tomorrow, I hope they will be able to relieve some of your anxiety. Let me know how you get on.

    I have an appointment tomorrow for a wound check, it really does not seem to be improving. It is only a small section in the middle of tummy wound, but it is still gaping, although not infected. I have been using iodine strips for the past week, but doesn't seem to have changed much. Going to ask tomorrow if there is an option to stich this area.  I agree about it never ending, seems as if  you get over one issue, only for it to be replaced by another. Stay strong  we will get through this. Xx