Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Greeny80, have been thinking of you today. Hope all went well and you're feeling OK. Xx

  • Hi Pippin! 

    Thanks for checking in! Has been a long day…but feeling good and luckily no allergic reaction!  Hurrah!!

    The cold cap adds quite a bit of time and I had my blood test this morning too so that added a couple of hours waiting for those results and then the docetaxol took just under 2 hours…!they do it slowly for the first two cycles I think then speed it up a bit!..and then I had the Cyclophosphamide! 

    I was going to write to you to review the cold mitts and socks! My mitts weren’t great, they didn’t stay cold for very long, I ended up putting extra ice packs into the gloves but it does mean you can’t do anything with your hands!…the feet/socks were good. My feet were freezing!!!…but again I think they probably lasted an hour or so??and the docetaxol takes nearly 2 hours…. Maybe you need two pairs or some extra ice packs to go with the socks!? I think I’d try the socks again but not sure about the gloves..may as well just hold ice packs in your hands!?! Shout if you have any other questions as happy to chat!!

    Hope you’re doing ok and enjoying feeling good for week 3! Xx

  • Offline in reply to Greeny80

    Pleased to hear your treatment has gone well today.  One more ticked off.  Xx keep us posted on any side effects but hope they are minimal.  Take care xxx 

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Sounds wonderful. Hope you had a lovely lunch with your parents. Xx I agree with your hubby.  Lots of positive thoughts and things to focus on and look forward to xxx it’s the best remedy 

    90 what a fabulous milestone.  
    I hosted a party for my Dads 80 th last June.  

    xx hope your enjoying the rest week before we go again next week.  It comes round quickly for sure 


  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Ah thank you!!! Yes let’s hope side effects are minimal…will be interesting to see how different I feel with these new ones…oncologist said worst days would be Fri/Sat/sun but mostly tiredness which I will take over nausea!!!! I guess time will tell! Can already feel my taste buds going again! So weird isn’t it and so funny how everyone reacts so differently..we are all unique!!

    How are you doing?? Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Week 3 is so nice!! Makes you so grateful for feeling good and normal!! Hope all goes well for you next week too..although I’m sure we’ll chat before then!!

  • So pleased to hear all went well today and you're feeling OK. Does sound like you had a pretty long day though. Annoying having bloods done on the day, then having to wait for results before starting treatment. I usually have mine done at the end of the week before. I'm still debating the cold therapy, wasn't sure about not being able to use hands. Did you get any sensations in hands and feet while having the docetaxel at all? Have plenty of rest and I hope you continue to feel well. Xx

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Lunch was great with mum and dad, I think they really enjoyed it too. Will be great to celebrate dad's 90th in June, as you say it is a pretty amazing milestone. I bet your dad really enjoyed the party you held for him. My daughter's coming over with the grandkids again tomorrow, which will be great. I'm making the most of seeing everyone, before next treatment on Monday. Just hope my liver function allows it to go ahead. How's things going with the hair loss for you at the moment? Hope all goes well with your treatment next week. Xx

  • Yes a huge milestone really hope you can enjoy the celebrations and timings work with treatment and feeling good! 

    Have a lovely time with your daughter and grandkids today. Will keep everything crossed for your liver..when do you have your blood test, on Friday? Will keep everything crossed! 

    I didn’t have any weird feelings in hand or feet..nothing at all…not sure how quickly the neuropathy kicks in…I think it may not be until the 2nd/3rd cycle. But not sure…will keep you posted. No idea if the socks did anything at all but glad I tried. Might need to tweak the ice pack situation 

    Hope everyone else is doing ok?  Sending lots of love to you all xx

  • Yes I'm having bloods done Friday morning, first time using the port. A little nervous about that, as it's still slightly tender. Have phone call with oncologist on Friday afternoon, so hope they'll have the blood results available by then. Hopefully my liver function is no worse, so treatment can go ahead.Noticed a few hairs coming out again last night (not that there's much left anyway). Seems to happen at same time each cycle. If that's the case, I expect to be totally bald by next week. How's your hair doing, with using the cold cap? I thought the sensations in hands and feet happened quite quickly, but will have to look into it a bit more. Hope you managed to get some rest last night, I see you're awake early. Xx