My husband has been diagnosed with a 7cm kidney tumour we are waiting for lung scan results to see if it has spread. Waiting is really hard. I know that the cure rate is good if no metastases. He has been told they will remove his kidney
My husband has been diagnosed with a 7cm kidney tumour we are waiting for lung scan results to see if it has spread. Waiting is really hard. I know that the cure rate is good if no metastases. He has been told they will remove his kidney
Hello Maggie and welcome to Cancer Chat.
I'm really sorry to hear your husband has been diagnosed with kidney cancer and for the anxious wait you now have to find out if it has spread.
As you mention in your post, waiting for results is really tough but I hope it helps to know that you have joined a community who know what you're going through, so you are not alone, and I'm sure it won't be long until some of our members stop by to offer their support and share their tips and advice on how to cope with the wait.
We have some information about kidney cancer and the surgery your husband may have on our website but if you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, you can do so on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful, and supportive, and will do all they can to help you at this time.
We're thinking of you Maggie and sending all our support your way.
Best wishes to you both,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis I am 5 months on from my cancer in both kidney (7 cm) and lung cancer diagnosis. Although a shock at first and being given a 6 to 12 month prognosis I have had 4 lots of combined immunotherapy and my treatment has shrunk by almost 50%. I'm not anything special I'm not super healthy although I am trying to be now so there is lots of reasons to be hopeful if it's lung cancer too.
I started single immunotherapy treatment last week and I feel quite positive about my future the consultant certainly is. There are lots of new treatments coming along so the more time I have the more trials there have been so could benefit us all.
I've always been a glass half full person however with my cancer I'm very positive I feel I have to be to get through this. I still work full time which gives me something other to focus on rather than just cancer all the time. I get comfort from attending the hospital this makes me feel good, hopeful and in expert hands.
Unfortunately the person who gave me my poor prognosis, had poor bed manners and did not have all the knowledge and experience the renal oncologist has so I have now put that to the back of my mind put it down to experience and will listen to the expert instead.
if your waiting for a scan call the hospital push them for a date, when he's had it call again after a few days to see if the scan has been reported on, if he has to have a biopsy call for a date, call to see if that has been reported on don't sit and wait for them. I made a nuisance of myself and things were done pretty quickly tell him to do this too. You might feel uncomfortable calling the hospital all the time I did but as far as I was concerned I was fighting for my life.
Hope everything goes well everyone is different how they react but positivity is key if he can be and there are many reasons to be hopeful.
This is so good to read, I myself had kidney cancer last year and had to have one removed. But I have just had my yearly scan only to be told it has returned in my remaining kidney ( well the adrenal gland) and also they've found it in my lungs aswell.
I got back this Tuesday to see the oncologist to talk about possible be honest I'm bricking myself. 44 Yr old never smoked, reasonably healthy a beautiful wife and two stunning young boys 17 and 14....and I'm not ready to leave them just yet.
2 weeks ago i was diagonised with Kidney cancer 5cm tumour and then following day after CT scan was told spread my lung. Biopsy on Monday then Consultant appointment middle of Feb. Trying to stay positive the wait is awful.
What is combined immunotherapy
Combined immunotherapy is two lots of treatment given through a drip every three weeks takes about 3 hours or so. It’s painless except for needle. It’s only licensed for 4 combined treatments and then you go on a single treatment. I had minor reaction an itchy rash on my chest and back but cream sorted that. It stimulates your own immune system to fight the cancer. It’s the way forward and as stated after just 4 treatments my cancer shrunk by 50%. It stays in your body for up to 18 months so lots to be positive about. I will stay on the single one given every 4 weeks probably forever.
they never even considered taking my kidney out as they said there is a chance the treatment could make the cancer go into remission and it had already spread to my lungs I have another scan 1 st week in March to see how things are. Try and be positive I know you will be scared but after being given a 6 to 12 month prognosis 6 months ago I’m feeling good. As stated previously don’t sit around waiting for results of scans or biopsy’s ring up and see have they been reported on be a nuisance I was and things got done quickly. Good luck.
I'm so glad to hear its working for you, I've opted for a clinical trial which is in its third stage. This way I still get the option of the standard immunotherapy thats available on the nhs.
I need to have a bone scan and another ct scan in the next two to three weeks then its all steam ahead.