Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer


I have recently been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and am about to embark on a fairly aggressive chemo/immunotherapy treatment plan.  Although the consultant I met with yesterday was lovely, it was a bit doomsday with all the possible side effects.  I'd love to chat with anyone who's been through anything similar?  Current plan is 12 weeks of weekly chemo/immunotherapy sessions followed by sessions every 3 weeks for a further 12 weeks.  All support gratefully received. 

  • Hi, 

    oh that’s fab that they have put your mind at ease, yes I got in touch with her but luckily is was nothing to worry about she was just calling to book in my pre assessment which is Wednesday morning before I have my PICC line insert.

    she said it will be as you described, looking around the treatment areas etc. I think I’ve decided against the cold cap (I hate being cold haha).

    I’ve looked at a few wigs online but it’s hard to know where to start.

    what’s next for you now is it just your treatment date or do you have anything else first? 

    Lauren x

  • Hi Carol

    I have also been diagnosed with triple negative beast cancer. Been told very similar plan.

    I had PICC line put in yesterday, and will be having first chemo session on Monday 16th. It would be good to be able to compare notes and worries with some one in same stage. I am concerned about side effects and I think loss of hair is quite hard to take on board. 

  • Hi Julles63, 

    sorry to hear your on this journey too, like you I’m pleased I’ve found somebody else going through the same kinds of stages, I’m triple negative too and start my chemo journey next Friday (20th).

    can I ask how the PICC insert went? Was it painful at all? I have mine on Wednesday and I’m a bit apprehensive. 


  • Hi  Lebell84

    I was also apprehensive about PICC, and yes it was a bit uncomfortable but not as bad as I had envisaged. They do numb the area, so it's not painful, just felt a bit strange.

    Can I ask how old are you, if you don't mind.

    I'm 63

  • Hi Julles,

    oh that’s good to know as long as it’s not painful :)

    im 38, I have a little boy 8, and little girl 2……so I need to make I get through this I hate the thought of them being too young to remember me if anything happened :( xx

  • Lebell84 

    We can support each other through this, it will help to have someone else that understands what is worrying 

    I've 2 sons but they are both in their 30's now. And a partner that is not working, so is around to help with appointments and transport xx

  • Hi Julles, so sorry you've had to become a member of this club.  I am very worried about side effects too but we can all be here to support each other through the process.  It sounds like we're all going to be at similar stages of chemo throughout, so just come here to scream and shout if you need to.  I probably will! 

    All the best for today.  Let us know how you get on when you feel up to it.

    Carol xx

  • Hi Jules, I'm 59 so we're similar ages I think.  Let's stick together girls - we can do this

    Carol xx

  • Hi Carol

    I had my 1st chemo cocktail yesterday 3in1 day about 5hours. No major side effects at time.  But banging headache overnight and this morning.I did witness a lady having adverse reaction in my 1st 10 ns of being in chair which definitely put the Willie's up me  Lol.x 

  • Oh jeez Julle, don't say that.  That'll be me!  I'm hoping the nurses/medical staff were able to sort her out?? 

    Very glad you were ok.  I'm a 3in1 on Thursday.  5 hours.  Wow!  How's your head now? 

    I have a friend who's taking me so no idea what she will do for 5 hours.  Goodness, that's a long time ... 

    Get some rest and I hope the headache goes away soon.

    Carol x