Newly diagnosed NHL


I've  been informed by the haemo nurse specialist that Im at stage 2 with possible adrenal gland involvement.Thats what she read out from the biospy report  when I spoke to her on the phone.Im not sure what the implications of'possible adrenal gland involvement' means in terms of my disease.She didn't  seem sure either. Im not sure where this leaves me, and what symptoms to I need to watch out for?

Can anyone help?

  • Hello happywalker, 

    I am sorry to hear you have been recently diagnosed with stage 2 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and I thought I would share with you the in-depth information we have on our website on Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I am afraid I don't have the medical knowledge myself to tell you more about this possible adrenal gland involvement but perhaps you could give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. They will I am sure do their best to answer questions you may have on the implications of possible adrenal gland involvement and will give you further guidance and point you in the right direction. Make sure you write down a list of questions to ask your consultant - biopsy reports can be really hard to decipher but your specialist will I am sure be able to explain things fully to you.

    There are other members of our community who have recently been affected by Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma - if you do a search using the search function located at the top of the page, you will be able to see other relevant threads and feel free to reply to any you feel might be of interest to you. I had a little look for you and found for example  who posted this thread three months ago and could be a good person for you to connect with so don't hesitate to reply and I hope that you will be chatting here to other forum members who have been diagnosed with NHL. This is another NHL thread by  who also had a similar diagnosis which I thought might also be helpful as there are several replies in there from other members of our forum who have had an NHL diagnosis. 

    It must be such a stressful time for you as you have had a diagnosis but so much is still so uncertain and unclear, you're bound to have so many questions playing in your mind and I hope that talking to others in a similar situation here will help you a little while you are waiting to find out what your treatment options might be. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator