Oesophageal cancer

Just been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer.  Very worried that the malignant tumour found is large at 8cm and this means the cancer has spread. 
I am waiting now for a CT scan but not sure what exactly this will find. 
I’ve got so many questions. I’m very worried about theNHS waiting lists here in Wales and that my cancer will grow beyond treatment. 

  • Hello classicalmosaic,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I can understand you're worried, but I hope your CT scan appointment comes soon. It might help to write down any questions you have on a notepad and take them with you. It can be hard to process what's said at appointments, but this way you can feel more prepared and know that all the things you want to discuss will be covered. There is some information on oesophagel cancer here, which you can refer to whenever you need it.

    The forum is always here for you and we also have a team of cancer nurses available if you ever wanted to speak to someone on the phone. The free number is 0808 800 4040 and lines are open from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    Let us know how you get on,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Thank you very much for your support. It’s priceless. 

  • Hi Tricia,

    Have you had your CT scan yet and have they said when to expect the report?

    Good luck!

  • Hi, I’ve just joined and noticed your post. My dad (75) has just had a biopsy and CT scan to confirm oesophageal cancer. Dr said highly likely. How long did your CT results take to come back and how long til your consultant was in touch? Our lives are stood still while we await more information. I really hope you have your results back and a treatment plan in place. Wishing you well. 

  • So sorry to read about your Dsd.

    My latest results took 2 weeks to come back and the consultant contacted my by phone by appointment at that time.

    That said, they do their scans and reporting in-house which speeds the process up as the cancer centre isn’t competing with A&E or other departments for resource.

    For first results best practice is to deliver the results face to face (regardless of whether the news is good or bad). Usually as soon as posdible after the weekly MDT meeting.

    Good luck


  • Thank you Dave. I’m sorry to hear about your situation too. We haven’t heard as yet but the MDT meeting is this afternoon. Hoping both biopsy and CT scan results are back to allow them to make this meeting. Hopefully we will hear soon after this.