Diagnosed with tongue cancer today

Hello , I'm 30 years old, have a family of 2 little children. I've had an ulcer on my tongue for about 7 months now (it was dysplasia this time last year) I was diagnosed with T1 tongue cancer today. I have to have 1/3 of my tongue cut out and possibly reconstruction. With a neck dissection. I am terrified, if anyone has any tips or happy stories I'd love some reassurance or someone to talk to.


im sad that we're all here to talk about this to be honest. 

  • I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Wish you a smooth sailing in your treatment. 

  • Hi, I was aged 27 when I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. I also had an ulcer and left it for 4/5 months. I had a neck dissection and my tongue was rebuilt with skin from my forearm. 
    Mine is a happy story as I'm now 36 with no complications since. Yes I'm in pain from my shoulder etc but I'm alive and here to tell the story. 
    i had a 1 year old when I was diagnosed and it crushed my whole world but the drs/surgeons are absolutely amazing.

    If you want to chat then please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

    Its a long road but you are in great hands honestly. Good luck with everything and please don't hestitate to contact me xx

  • Hi K20022,

    I have a biopsy this Tuesday for suspected tongue cancer. I thought It was a massive lseions caused by 2 sharp teeth. I work on the phones all day long and the more I spoke, the wosre the lesion became. Had my fillings replaced but dentist said nothing. 2 weeks later I went to my GP and they referred me to Maxillofaciall at hospital. He had a look, gave me a couple weeks to see if it recovered and advised biopsy. Cancelled my first biopsy appointment as I was too scared. Another appointment came through a few weeks later. Surgeon looked in my mouth, tol me it looks like cancer and wanted to biopsy there and then. Went into full on panic mode and ran away. I am 36. Absolutely petrified. If you want to share your own thoughts, I'd appreciate the communication. I've been through all the emotions, denial, fear, self destruct, anger and back to fear. Draeding my biopsy but determined to go through with it this time. Sending you peace and a good night's sleep - that is something I am longing for at the moment! 

  • Hello! , please please please don't run away, you have to do this!! The longer you leave it the worse it gets. Get them to sedate you for the biopsy ( I did!! ) it might not be what you think, but if it is , the earlier you get it the better outcome it will be. 
    my surgery is booked for the 31st - I have never ever been so scared in my life, I am in a dark place, but if I don't do this , the cancer will get worse and will kill me. (As blunt as that sounds it's the truth) , we are young and have EVERYTHING to fight for! If you want my number please message me , we can do this together. Virtually holding your hands right now ️

  • Hello and thank you for your message. I will make sure I go ahead with the biopsy tomorrow. My GP prescribed me valium to take before the procedure so I'm hoping that will help. May I ask, were you in a lot of pain afterwards? 

    Have they told you how likely you are going to be in hospital after your surgery? I'm more scared of hospital environments than anything else. I think I'll just tell myself I'm on holiday. just think, no housework!

    I would love to stay in touch with you throughout this. And you are right, we do have everything to fight for!

    My mother used to joke that one day my tongue would get me into trouble - she wasn't wrong! 

    I hope you are treating yourself to everything possible at the moment and finding ways to keep your mind in a good place.

    I'm Alex by the way :)

  • Hey Alex,


    so glad you have replied! You must do this tomorrow I'll be thinking of you all day! So I had 2 biopsies. 1 November last year - they took a tiny patch when I was awake- 1 stitch and I was sent on my way- hardly any pain. 2nd biopsy I was put to sleep woke up with 6 stitches and yes I'm not going to lie it wasn't comfortable, but it got better over a week. Get yourself some ibuprofen with codeine today ready! Don't bother with paracetamol it didn't work for me. I had a burst blood vessel in mine a week after , (had a major bleed) my mum called an ambulance. But once it stopped it was almost a relief so I reckon that was why I was in pain. But do not let this scare you- everyone is different and from the people I've spoke to the cancer will hurt worse the longer you leave it (if it is cancer) it might not be!!!!! So stay positive. If you message me I can give you my number and give you some more details if you like. 
    so they've told me I'll be in hospital for about 10 days - I am dreading leaving my babies but as you said will treat it as a holiday to relax (in peace) And no housework woohoo! 
    im more scared about how I will wake up from surgery , but have spoke to ALOT of people who have done this, and have all come out the other side. I have been researching for months. Hours a day , to prepare myself I know everything about it lol as weird as that makes me, I find it easier the more I know and the more I prepare myself. 
    Im Klarice by the way (yes like silence of the lambs) haha , good to talk to you! X

  • Hi Klarice,

    I've sent you a friend request and then I can message you :) I am one of those strange people who doesn't own a mobile phone (yeah I know -but it's actually quite liberating!) but would love to hear more about your thoughts and experiences through PM, if that's ok. Even after receiving your last message I felt a little spark of positivity, so thank you!!

  • Hi 

    I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in February this year and has my operation in march. They took some.of.my left tongue did a flap from my left arm and also has a neck dissection.

    Lucky for me it has not travel so I didn't need any further treatment. I know have monthly check ups with my consultant.

    It's six months down the line for me and I'm eating mostly normal food can't manage steak r salads but eat a lot of fish and chicken also pasta.

    My shoulder at first was stuff but is now fine did all the exercise I was given.

    I have a lisp but people can understand me and I talk a.lot on the phone I'm now back in work. 

    The one issue I have is the scar on my neck is painful at the moment but I need to ensure I do my exercises and move it more.


    It's been a hard 6 months but I'm sti here and having a near normal life 

    Keep positive 



  • Great to hear your doing well 

  • Hello I had tongue cancer 3 years ago, 1/3 of my tongue removed and lymph glands removed any questions I'm here to answer