No change after EC chemo TNBC


I have 2 tumours in right breast. One triple negative and one double negative HER positive.  After 2 cycles EC the MRI shows static / no change and so being switched to docetaxel sooner for next 4 cycles rather than another EC first. 

Just wondering if anyone else didn't have any change with EC?

Little concerned in case docetaxel doesn't have any effect either. Dr said in that case do surgery sooner but not sure what means for cancer returning etc.

Also nervous for side effects of docetaxel and them introducing herceptin as well for the HER positive tumour. Anyone had that too? 

Thanks ️

  • I have just got back from an oncology appointment and your question came up in my search as I am in a similar situation. I have triple negative and have had 3 rounds. The lump is slightly bigger. Starting on Docataxel next. It's such a scary journey isn't it?

    I completely agree with my treatment plan eg. Chemo first but it's very scary. 
    I hope your drugs have started to work. I look forward to hearing more success stories. 

  • Hi KCMmum

    I'm the wife of ProfBaw and yes, Docetaxel is termed a cancer melter.  For good reason.  I found it a bit harder to take than EC and watch out for anxiety as it's actually a side effect for Docetaxel.  I'd consider Gabbapentin for pain relief as we're not meant to use paracetamol as it masks a temperature.  I wasn't allowed Ibuprofen either.  You could ask your Oncologist.  And if you have a high or low temperature, you need it checked out via the cancer hotline.  Hope you have a decent thermometer.  Gabbapentin was recommended to me by someone on another Taxane type chemo and it worked.  The pain shouldn't be too bad though.  It's bone pain and joint pain and I'd have been quite happy going to bed with a hot water bottle except my temperature kept going above 38 and I had the chills too.  So I had to phone up and go in.  That's not to say this will happen to you though, don't worry and it wasn't continually throughout getting Docetaxel.  My temperature just seemed to be triggered by inflammation.  Watch out for leg and arm weakness too, that's common but you only notice it on standing up, it won't stop you walking. You might feel a lot more tired with this chemo too. 

    I also get Phesgo injections into the side of my thigh.  Phesgo is both Herceptin and Perjeta or Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab to use their MAB names. MABs are Monoconal Antibody drugs, where the MAB bit comes from. I'm still on these and tolerate them fine.  You can get Herceptin on its own done this way too. The thigh injections can be a bit burny and stingy but only for seconds throughout the 5 minute injection, usually at the start and finish.  And sometimes you feel nothing at all.  Nobody warned me about that bit and I really wish they had as I got a fright the first time.  The very first injection should be done over 8 minutes so it's going in very slowly and mine wasn't.  Had the only grumpy nurse I've come across.  You get these every 3 weeks so continue them after the Docetaxel.  And 5 minutes sure beats the previous 2.5hrs in by iv like chemo, how the drugs used to be given.  I'm fairly sure Herceptin won't give you any problems.  Best of luck with the results from Docetaxel, its tougher but it worked on mine.  And remember we don't all get the same doses of chemo so if you have any problems taking it, your Oncologist can reduce the dose for next time.  Hope that helps a bit and remember its a cancer melter so I hope my experience gives you hope.  Cancer is cut out in the operation which is important to remember.


  • Hi, I am sorry to hear your situation is similar to mine. It is a very scary journey. I have had 2 doses of docetaxel now and have found the side effects much tougher than EC but after day 8/9 I do start to feel better although with this chemo I get acne from day 8 which is dry and sore and this time as close to my eyes has made them very sensitive and watery. 

    I had MRI last week and there has been a limited response with chemo. Small shrinkage to both tumours of around 10%. Oncologist wants me to carry on with next 2 cycles then surgery but has confirmed highly likely will need further treatments post surgery which may include more chemo. 

    It is a hard and long journey but I also trust the treatment plan and I am trying to stay focused on a positive final result when I can hopefully look in mirror and see me again.

    Hope you are doing well, wishing you all the best. X

  • Hi thank you for your post. I have had 2 Doses of docetaxel and herceptin now and MRI shows limited response. Will have another 2 before surgery.

    How do you find the injections on their own without chemo. Was just wondering what side effects of those alone were. 

    It's likely I will need more chemo post op but if dont I have been wondering how immunotherapy is on own and if be bit more back to normal. 

    Thanks x

  • Hi everyone on here, I know it's a bit of an old post, but I've been searching for people receiving docetoxal. I have triple + breast cancer and had 2 EC which didn't have much of an effect on reducing the tumour (shrunk the lymph nodes a bit). I had my first dose of docetoxal plus the leg injection last Monday (halloween) and although the symptoms are worse than EC they're not awful. The worst thing for me is the horrific taste in my mouth! It's utterly depressing. Im trying everything, salt rinsing, pineapple, sweets, drinking loads of water. Please can you tell me if this will go before my next cycle?

    also I would love to know how you are all getting on a few months later? Did the docetaxal have a good effect on your cancer? It was pretty disappointing when the mri results came back to show not much reduction.


    tbanks for listening


  • Hi Helen,

    Sorry to hear you are also on this journey and the worry you are experiencing over MRI results. I know how much it can get you down. 

    I'm glad to hear the side effects for you haven't been too bad. As for the taste and mouth issues my savoir was strawberry milkshakes and plain soft foods like baked potatoes etc. Mine did go before next cycle, was amazing to enjoy food again for a bit! 

    I never managed to get the final 2 docetaxel.  When got 2nd dose I took an allergic reaction but with extra pre meds managed to take it few days later. However, on 3rd dose I reacted straight away and it was decided too risky to try me again. Please don't worry Dr said very few take reactions, just my luck I was one of them. I got moved on to pacetaxel however for 2 doses which was worse than EC for me but less severe than docetaxel.  Although made me lose my hair again that had started to regrow.

    My final MRI showed limited change to larger triple negative lump but the double negative HER2 positive had disappeared! 

    I had my lumpectomy on 28th September and results showed only 10% of larger lump remaining (whilst MRI showed limited response due to size the cells were mostly gone) and 1% of smaller one. My surgeon had suspected the smaller one was a lymph node but it wasn't and my lymph nodes were all clear.

    I am back on the herceptin injections and main side effect tiredness and acne. 

    Due to start radiotherapy on 21st November and then I will have tablet form chemo for 8 cycles every 3 weeks along with injections until July 2023. 

    The tablet chemo shouldn't be as severe in side effects I believe from what Dr has said. 

    A long road ahead but definitely seems a positive one based on what Dr and surgeon have said for which I am so grateful.

    Take care


  • Hi Louise 

    thanks so much for replying and explaining your journey. Sounds very hard for you with the allergic reactions, but so glad you have come through and had a positive result from the chemo! Were you always going to have a lumpectomy or were they playing it by ear depending on the success of the chemo? I have been told I will be having a mastectomy and full auxiliary lymph node clearance whatever the results?

    my taste is much better now but I still have a lingering metallic taste...really not looking forward to it again in a week. My next docetaxal is Monday and as I've kept a diary of my symptoms I can hopefully manage the headaches I have been getting with regular pain relief.

    Take care


  • also were you always going to have tablet chemo after too? 

  • Hi 

    Sorry for taking so long to reply to you. Shall put down to chemo brain lol

    I was always planned as lumpectomy based on size and where tumours were (side boob)

    I wasn't told before surgery what post op treatment would be but that it may include chemo

    Have been given chemo tablets as there were still traces of the triple negative left post surgery although it had reduced 

    Have had radiotherapy now which was fine and I had no issues 

    Also just finished 1st cycle of tablet chemo and I am okay although always very tired. Tired of being tired ha ha

    Hope you are getting on well with treatment

    Take care


  • Hello. I can see this post is 2 yes old but I am wondering where you are in your journey today. I am in the same position