Best soap, cleanser and shampoo/Chemo

Hi, I have ER Positive breast cancer and have had 2 surgeries (the first was a lumpectomy and a few nodes removed, the second removed the rest of the nodes) in Sept and Dec 2021.  Now about to start 6 rounds of chemotherapy and 15 sessions of radiotherapy.  I was wondering if anyone would be able to recommend a soap, shampoo and facial cleanser/moisturiser please?  I usually have combination skin but have read that the chemotherapy causes dryness.  I've been using epaderm on the surgical area and arm to massage following lymph node clearance which though smelly, seems very moisturising.  I've got neem oil moisturiser for my nails as I read the nails can be a problem and I play the violin!  I had thought Faith in Nature products?  I don't want to spend a fortune either.

Any advice gratefully received, Rhian xxx

  • Hello Rhian

    We have some information on our website here which may be helpful. Using products designed for sensitive skin or those that are described as gentle can be helpful. Do chat to the chemo nurses and radiotherapy staff as they will likely be able to offer some advice as well. 

    Hopefully some of our members will post to share their favoured skincare routines and tips with you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Rhian. Hope you don't mind me bumping in on your thread. I'm waiting surgery for lymph node clearance and wondered how much worse it is than the original sentinal node removal? Do you have any advice for me for recovery? Also I'll be having 6 cycles of chemotherapy so your thread may answer some questions for me too xxx

  • Hi, sorry for the delay in replying. Hope all is well.  I can only comment on my own experience really, maybe others have different ideas too. The clearance is less easy, bit more painful and I had a drain for 10 days after. District nurse called daily to change it. I bought a drain dollie bag to keep the drain safe and out of the way. I started massaging with epaderm cream before the operation  to prepare my skin. Also have continued twice a day to encourage lymphatic drainage. I did have post op swelling but as I said, did the exercises which have really helped. Keep hydrated and eat little and often. Be careful with the kettle, ironing and hoovering. I found these too painful for the first 6 weeks(!!!). Had my first chemo session this week, very straightforward and painless. Given lots of anti sickness meds which are working.  I'm not really hungry but eating dry biscuits, toast etc at the moment.  I was going to try the cold cap but due to epilepsy decided not to. Shame. If you can, spend some time getting a wig, I had an NHS voucher for mine and had it 2 weeks ago, lovely experience,  sensitive and professional staffat the recommended supplier, all covid safe. I've also got a few head coverings from etsy, nothing expensive,  just incase etc. They did say the chemo EC T will cause hairless. Make sure you visit the dentist if you can. I had a check up and they gave me 3 tubes of flouride toothpaste as the chemo is a bit rough on the mouth apparently.  I've been using sanex zero shower gel as it was on offer and opted for faith in nature shampoo, on offer too! All sls etc free. Not sure about the nails...I play the violin so have moisturised and painted nails in dark varnish to try to stop them falling off!!! Who knows what to expect?  Best of luck with everything.  You will get through this. Xxx