Bleeding after my smear test

Hello all,

I got so worried about my bleeding after I got my smear test today.

it is quite clear to say I got it done before so I am not in nervous or dispersed of this smear test but bleeding is likely my period and i just got it this month already.

so I am so confused and worried so much about this bleeding, what should I do? Should I tell GP about this ? Or it is just normal in the way my area is too sensitive??? I'm in 30s so maybe might body is changing??? It is very stuck me in x

  • Hello sophia2509-, 

    As you sound concerned about this bleeding and that you don't think it is related to your period, it would be a good idea to give your GP a call. Your doctor will be best placed to reassure you on this and to tell you what may have caused this bleeding and if it may be related to the smear test itself. 

    So don't hesitate to give your surgery a call and to tell them about this bleeding. I hope that you get some clarity on this soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Dear Lucie,

    yes I will give my GP the call tomorrow. Thank you so much for that ️.

    have a great week and take care yourself x

    best ,

    sophia x