Rectal cancer - spread to pelvic lymph nodes

My  60 year old husband was diagnosed with stage 2 rectal cancer before Christmas.  We were told a resection was the treatment and felt positive about things. . Now  he has had a PET scan and we've been told it has spread to his pelvic lymph nodes. Has any one else experienced this and had a good outcome?  I believe this only happens to 30% of rectal cancer patients and is now complex.. My husband now has to have chemoradiation. We thought this treatment was just a foregone conclusion  to kill off the cancer in the lymph nodes. 

We went for the results of the PET scan yesterday and I  now actually heard the words  ' IF' the chemoradiation doesn't kill off the cancer in the lymph nodes then an operation may no longer possible.  A day ago  our worse fear was a resection  with a stoma and now we hear this news.... I physically  now can't eat or sleep hearing that information.

  • Hi Annealise,

    I'm sorry to hear of your situation and I can only imagine how difficult it was to hear these updates. I know there's not too much I can say to help, but I wanted to send a reply so that some more people should see your post and hopefully you'll then receive further replies from others on the forum, particularly if there are others with similar experience.

    We're always here for support if ever you need it, so I hope that the forum can continue to be a safe space for you and a space to reach out to others.

    Take things one day at a time and keep looking after yourself as much as possible.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator