Bowel cancer

Hi has anyone else got very anxious after surgery an chemo finished I'm actually worse now year half later than I was when diagnosed? I had triple surgery at age 55 an I know I'm blessed to still be here but not dealing with it great after my 6 months intense chemo may 2021

  • Hello angiecack

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with the emotional and psychological after-effects of the treatment for cancer. What you've described isn't uncommon and I know many of our members here will understand the fears and anxieties that come both during and after treatment. You have been through a lot and it can take time to process things. 

    If you have a clinical nurse specialist then I'd encourage you to speak to them as the first point of contact. It may be that your hospital trust has a specialist cancer psychologist/counsellor that they are able to refer you to. Talking things through with someone who understands in a safe supportive space really can help to begin to untangle your thoughts and feelings and make some sense of things. 

    Alternatively, you could contact Maggies who are able to offer both face to face and telephone support. You may also want to have a chat with your GP who can help with support and possible medication to help control your anxiety. 

    If you want to talk things through with one of our team of nurses then you're also most welcome to call them. I'm sure they will be happy to offer any advice and support that they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    You've made the first steps in reaching out for support by posting here on the forum. Do speak to someone now who can help you move forwards on the next stage of your journey post-cancer. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator