Diep Flap Failure?

Hi everyone. I am looking for advice and support really of amyone who has had a DIEP flap fail on them in any way. My flap was fine until the 8th week when the scabs came off and revealed 2 x big holes in breast and all hell let loose. Since then Ive been admitted into hospital twice with cellulitis of the breast and leaking disgusting necrotuc coffee coloured gunk for last 6 weeks at least. Im now on permanent wound vac therapy machine to drain it and draw the skin together. I have lost 75% of my breast volume and seeing as they ignored my requests to make me bigger and only gave me an A sized flap I hardly had anything to start with.

I am devastated as been waiting 3 years for this surgery what with covid and delayed after radiotherapy. I had high expectations that I would come out with a nice cleavage then have phase 2 to perfect it. Im now back to being flat as a pancake abd having very dark thoughts and feel stuck in the cancer loop STILL after 3 years since my diagnosis. 

If this has happened to you what did you do? Way I feel I ssid to surgeon just chop it all off and give me double mastectomy as Ijust want to move on with my damn life now and am so fed up with all this hell just for a damn cleavage


  • Hi Avasmummy,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties. I wanted to send a reply as it will mean a few more people should see your post and so hopefully you'll receive further replies soon. I'm sure there will be others here who have experienced something similar. If you haven't already, do try searching the forum (using the button in the blue bar above) for other potentially relevant discussions.

    I hope things ease soon for you and of course do discuss any concerns with your doctor/specialist if you haven't already.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Avasmummy

    Similar thing happened to me.  I had an immediate reconstruction.  All looking great and healing up beautifully untill a few months later when the skin started to thin out too much due to seroma building up.  Consultant checked it over but didnt action anything further.  One evening - all hell broke loose, the skin split and I was literally soaked in horrible gunky stuff.  This was just the start of it.  Admitted to hospital to stitch up the skin.  Then it would not heal for ages.  Had the wound vac plaster attached for weeks. Things got worse as skin was still turning darker in patches and dark gunky fluid had burst another hole again through the scar line.  Admitted again for another patch-up job.  To cut a long story short - I had to have one more op (3 altogether for cutting the skin) to cut even more necrotising skin off which basically left me totally flat with an absolutely disquisting disfigured area covered in multiple scars.  Radiotherapy made it all flare up again, more seroma was drained this time.  I am now 8 months on from the last operation and my skin is very very slowly thickening up in those remaining patches where it became purple and thinned out.  I am due to have another attempt at reconstruction but not untill middle of next year or maybe even later.

    I am still hoping to restore my cleavage so not giving up at all. But I just don't know how /what they can do with this mess.