Moods after Cancer

Been over 12months post last radiotherapy and Chemo, and about 6 months since neck operation removing about 13 lymphnodes.

Although also been back to work part time also for about 5 months, although leaving that in a few weeks.

Ive always been aware of mental health etc, but never really thought myself as having issues, suppose I've always been too busy to worry about my own being and feelings.

We made plans for me to leave work, so I could relax with less stress and enjoy life a bit more with wife, who is medically retired after a stroke in late 2015. Although few weeks before this happens, I have slowly became more aware of my mood levels. During treatment etc, I knew I did not have much energy or drive to do things at times, but I have been given the all clear number of weeks ago, but for some reason I have just lost some drive.....not sure if it's because such a big change is coming or not, suppose I've been employed for over 40years, so it is a a big change, but one I thought would be exiting rather than maybe causing negative feelings? 
ive read that depression etc is common post cancer treatment, but again I know I should be feeling the opposite as not many people have a positive outcome , so I know I am lucky, suppose adds further guilt, thinking I should be enjoying things much more.

I know I will feel a bit better if I put a new daily structure back into my life I.e Out Walking more etc, less Social media.


just wondering if anyone else going through similar feeling flat issues post cancer? 


  • I'm really pleased you've been given the all clear Bobby although I'm sorry for the difficult feelings you've been contending with since finding out.

    I hope it helps to know that quite a few of our members have had the same feelings post cancer so you're not alone in feeling this way and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    If you're worried, don't hesitate to get in touch with your GP as they will be able to let you know what support is available in your area if you'd like some help working through this.

    You've come through a huge life changing experience Bobby and are about to embark on another. Understandably, that comes with many emotions so be kind to yourself and remember that it's o.k to not be o.k. Take things a day at a time and remember that our community, as well as your family and friends, are here for you and will do all they can to help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for reply.

    Agree need to accept some of the ways i am feeling, but certainly need to get back and build new routines.


    Thanks again