Finished treatment in 2019 but still suffering side effects


I was diagnosed with cancer in my left breast in feb 2019. I had  part of my breast removed an reconstruction done, also had 12 lymph nodes removed of which 7 were cancerous; i had chemo and radiotherypy and finished treatment october 2019. I am now on anastrozole for 5 years and a trial drug.

My hair is slowly coming back but i still feel very tired all the time and dont seem to be able to do much also i havent started back to work yet..

Does anyone else feel like this and is there a right time to got back to work ?



  • Hello Jean123

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with some side effects following a diagnosis of breast cancer. The symptoms you've mentioned are all known side effects of anastrozole and I know that many women here on the forum will have struggled with similar issues. 

    In terms of returning to work it probably depends on the type of job that you have and if/when you feel ready to perhaps try a phased return. You might find it helpful to have a look at the information about work and cancer on the Macmillan website. They also have an advisory telephone helpline that you can call for advice and information. 

    Whatever you decide, I hope that things improve for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator