First Mammogram a year after diagnosis- anxiety!


this Is my first post. I'm wondering how other people felt about returning for their first mammogram a year after stage 1 breast cancer diagnosis, lumpectomy abd radiotherapy.


I'm a total mess . Every day is like Groundhog Day. I feel like I'm living in limbo! Can't stop myself from thinking it may have returned or spread.

  • Helenlisea. 

    Hi its quite normal to feel this way, after what we've been through. I to am a year on from being diognosed  as well, and going through chemotherapy which ended on (8 rounds ) December 14th 2020, and 15  Radiotherapy sessions which ended on the 30th March 2021.

    I'm on Letrazole and Adcal tablets till 2029,10 years in all,which im hating.

    I've just had my first  yearly  mamagram check,and results are back  normal benign breast tissue.  But I had a mamagram the year before I found my cancer lump,and nothing showed up. I had three more mamagrams at breast clinic ,and nothing showed up. But I and the consultant could feel the hard mass,and so an ultrasound was done,and the tumour showed up on that scan.i asked why this was so,and was told it was because my breasts tissue were dense for a lady of my age, I was 63,a few monthes off ,of  being 64.So of course I don't trust mamagrams alone ,so I'm seeing my surgeon on the 6th September, and hopefully she will do an ultrasound, as my oncologist has agreed for me to have one as well as mamagrams to put my mind at rest.  So yes I do know how you actually feeling so fatigued  constantly tired,more now than ever,and so much pain in all my muscles and bones from the letrazole I guess Just hoping in time things will settle down and improve.  Also hate my chemo curl hair, my hair was so long before.But I keep telling myself I'm lucky I found my lump. My son had cancer just before me,I was devastated, and started checking myself. He's come through it  and so have I which I'm so grateful for,can't fault the NHS and all the care we both recieved .Hope your mamagram goes well,and you too get good results. Let me know how it goes .x

  • Hi [@Helenleisa]‍ 

    The rollercoaster you didn't want to go on and now can't get off!....

    After my diagnoses Aug 21 and surgery Sept 21, I decided not to have radiotherapy or take the tamoxifen, I haven't heard anything from my breast team yet to even go back for my annual check up.. I think that is causing me more anxiety than if I had an appointment. The feelings of have I fallen through the cracks and been forgotten about, but we all have these internal feelings going on, and especially when you have been waiting a year to get that answer has it come back, is the scan going to show anything, will you get the all clear, but still the following year have to go through all these feelings again. It is a really bizarre feeling, this year has been so crazy anyway and for our first year after diagnoses we have had other things also for our heads to contend with. I know for me reaching this year anniversary it has been strange and still feel like I am no further forward and can't get rid of that nagging feeling. 

    Do you have an appointment booked?

  • Hi,

    I am 2 years down the line now and have my second mammogram on Friday. I had a mammogram 8 months before diagnoses but nothing was picked up. The mammogram I had at the breast clinic also didn't pick anything up but the ultrasound did, like yours! I have spoken to my surgeon about this as I worry my mammograms won't find it and she has told me that tamoxifen will make my breasts less dense so easier to see anything. I had lobular breast cancer.

    I don't think the worry is ever far from your mind. I've got chronic pain in my neck at the moment and have convinced myself I have cancer in my bones! I have a dexa bone scan coming up soon, and know it is more likely to be just wear and tear.  I've decided not to bother my breast nurse or GP unless it continues for another month.  Hopefully the scan will highlight the cause if anything serious.