Is it normal for the side effects of Tamoxifen to get worse?

I have been in tamoxifen since Feb this year and have been ok in it. Hot flushes, weeing more than once overnight but the worse thing is the feeling full after eating and the nausea all evening. It seems to have got worse recently is this normal. I've always taken my tablet at 6pm.

any suggestions or advice is welcome x

  • Hi Poppett,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. While I'm not able to advise specifically, we have some information about Tamoxifen on our website, which includes info on expected side effects.

    If you feel things are getting worse, do talk things through with your doctor. Alternatively if you'd like to speak to one of our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Do also browse or search the forum (using the button in the blue bar above) if you'd like to find other potentially relevant discussions about this.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Poppett

    I've been taking Tamoxifen for five years- five more years to go... I've not had nausea and most of the side effects have hung around for a couple of weeks, gone, sometimes returned at about the same intensity. Sadly weight gain has remained . Also different brands seem to bring different side effects . If the nausea gets too much I imagine your doctor could give you anti nausea medication. .

    Hope things get easier.