Weight gain whilst taking letrozole. Struggling to shift it.

I am trying to add to the discussion on the subject of weight gain due to taking Letrozol. I have been taking this medication since September 2019 and have gained over one stone in weight.     

 I am extremely active - work as a dance teacher plus I have recently completed NHS coughto5K  challenge so have been running up to 30 minutes 3 times a week for past 9 weeks. I also attend high impact dance sessions regularly on line - since the lockdowns. I just cannot shift the weight. I am only 5 feet 1 inch and weigh 11 stone. I absolutely sweat during exercise , especially in this hot weather but my weight is just going up and up.  My diet is good as I take advice , since my cancer from the CNM - they give excellent dietary advice. I do not eat cakes or biscuits and have cut down on all dairy. 

My Oncologist said "at least you are active" but I feel that is wrong. My BMI is through the roof and clothes do not fit me. It is depressing. She did mention that I could change to Anastrazole but I would be likely to get exactly the same side effects. I feel that I want to stop the Letrozole now. I know that I am leading a much healthier lifestyle than I did before my cancer diagnosis 2 years ago. I want to see if I lose weight by maintaining my fitness regime without these tablets - why on earth do they make me put on so much weight??

  • Hello Hawley and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    Sadly, weight gain is one of the many side effects that can occur with Letrozole and I'm sorry for how this is making you feel.

    Many of our members know how frustrating this can be having gone through this themselves so you're not alone and hopefully you will get to hear about their experiences and receive some advice from them soon.

    If you are thinking of stopping do be sure to discuss this with your doctor first. You're also very welcome to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph,

    Thank you so much for your prompt response to my post.      I have read quite a lot of other member's posts with regard to weight gain due to Letrozol - many others seem to have this problem too.      

    I would like to know why Letrozol makes us gain weight?       I worry very much about my weight gain as I know that being over weight is not good for my health.       I have chatted to my Oncologist but she said it is fine because I am active.      Being so active is making me tired though - I am 67.         I feel I am trying to become an athlete in order to lose some weight but that in itself is taking its toll on me!!

    Just one observation - I think you made a change to my original post.       I had written about the great advice I have received from the College of Natural Medicine in London.      This has been changed to "a medical college in London".     What is the reason for changing this please?         I mean no disrespect at all to the NHS but they do not always have time to discuss diet in detail.    The CNM staff have more time - and it all costs very little - it is not private medical treatment , which I definitely would not be able to afford.        Would value your response please.

    Thank you again.     My name is Susie by the way but I had to choose a "username" .

  • Hi Susie, 

    Unfortunately I cannot answer your question about why Letrozole causes weight gain but our team of cancer nurses may be able to offer some insight so if you would like to get their thoughts on this do be sure to give them a call on the number I gave you in my previous post or if you'd prefer, you can make a post in their section of the forum just here.

    In regards to the name of the college being changed, this was done as any institutions or healthcare providers involved with natural or conventional medicine, are not allowed to be mentioned or named on the forum. This is line with our terms and conditions. I do apologise for not changing it correctly and will amend accordingly.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello again Steph,

    Thank you for replying again.      I might give the nurses a call to discuss the reasons for weight gain with Letrozole - thank you for the phone number.

    And thank you for explaining about not allowing certain institutions providing natural medicine to be named.    I understand and respect your policies.         They do give great advice though and are also very kind and caring.      I can only speak from my heart , but they have really helped me come through my own cancer journey.       I guess we all have to follow our own hearts and do whatever we feel is necessary to aid our own recovery. 

    Thank you again,

    best wishes     Susie