Bilateral mastectomy burning pain 6 years on. Anyone else?

Hi,my name is Ilona.I had a bilateral mastectomy 6 years ago in 2015. I also had a reconstruction in the same operation with implants and stratis. I believe this is how they are called. My cancer was very early detected in 1st stage. DCIS with 3 mm invasive cancer cells in it. I still have the attacks of strange stingy, ithy, burning  pains going from my armpit towards the centre of the breast where the nipples were. Pain stays with me for 2,3 days and nights.Comes in waves. It's like enormous itch  which turns into pain at the end of the wave. There is no way to scratch it as my breasts are numb. If they are numb and I would not be able to tell if anybody touches them  when my eyes are closed why they itch somewhere inside ?????? There is silicon inside. Please, if anybody knows what it is, why  I have it and how to ease the pain give me some tips. I don't know if I can take one more night with this itchy, electric shocks every few minutes.Is it something normal or I have a nerve infection.The skin looks pale as normal with no sign of any abnormalities. Why I have it so long after operation?



  • Welcome to the forum Ilonka although I'm sorry about the pain you've been experiencing recently.

    Hopefully some of our members who have contended with similar issues a few years after their treatment will be along soon to offer their thoughts and advice but as this is worrying you and seems to be persistent, do be sure to get in touch with your GP as they'll be able to answer your questions and let you know if it's any cause for concern.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator