Returning to work after a year away, how did you find it?

Ive recently finished my treatment for stage 3 lung cancer. ( chemo and radiotherapy)   My next scan will be November.  Now im thinking of going back to work. Since i got out of  hospital in January ( a bad reaction to immunotherapy) ive been walking every day. Ivew put on weight,, mostly with help of steroids i was taking for the bad reaction. Building my self up tothe point im probably fitter now than i was when diagnosed!

My worry is going backto work. Im so scared. Ive been off almost a year now. I still get breathless when walking and im scared i wont be able to do my job which entails some heavy lifting. Hs any one else gone back after a long time off. ? what was it like? 


  • Hello Davidah

    I can understand that you're feeling anxious about returning to work after such a long time away. I know that you've made another post this evening that following today's appointment with the Consultant you're having some more tests tomorrow. 

    Given this news, it may be that you want to hold off for a few weeks until you have more information from the Consultant about the test results but in the meantime, I wanted to suggest you have a look at this information on the Macmillan website about work and cancer. You may find it helpful. 

    If you do decide to go ahead with returning to work then do speak to your employer and let them know about your concerns. They may be able to offer you a phased return or light duties to help ease you back into things. 

    Hopefully some of our members who have been through similar will post to share their experiences with you. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Hello David,

    I know how you feel about going back to work.I went back after 8months.I was stressing for no reason as one I was back it was like I never left.I would recommend to ease yourself back slowly as Im sure your employer wont be able to refuse that if you put it in risk assesment.They are obligated to facilitate your return especially if its physical straining etc...I completed chemo last Dec and still getting breathlessness.Thought its my age maybe

    Wishing you all the best

  • Thanks for your reply. I will arange a meeting with my boss a  week or so before i go back.  Its goodf to hear from some one who has been there. Ive to have  fluid drained and tested tomrow. So im going to wait to see how that works out before do anything.

    Thanks again