How do people cope with living/life after cancer treatment?


So I am just about to complete my treatment for stage 2 cervical cancer this week after a grueling 7 weeks.

I'm just wondering how people cope afterwards my oncologist has said that it will be about 12 weeks before I have another scan to see if its worked.

I really want to start rebuilding a more.posiitve life style between now and then get back to healthy me exercise diet etc and get some pre normality back just wondered how people deal with stuff between now and the next stage of the journey.

Any advise appreciated x

  • Hiya, I may sound a bit negative initially, BUT, not intended. It takes TIME - you will have had a major procedure, yes, they send you home but that is to REST and recuperate. If I've mis-read and mid- understood and it's "JUST" Chemo then I apologise. Some folk can take Chemo like taking Paracetamol, some can't. It depends on the strength of the chemicals in your Chemo. Mine was a dual dose, which included Cisplatin. On "reading up" (which I've done a lot) anything with a 'platin' refers to platinum (strong, but good). Yes you feel knocked about the following day, may take a few days to 'normalise'. BUT always remember that you are still breathing! It isn' pleasant, but then having a tooth out isn't either. Take care of yourself, SPOIL yourself, REST properly, don't try to be Superwoman, you WILL get there. You will also say "never again" but if, a couple of years down the line, you need more then you will do it, promise you ️ Chemo WORKS - foul but effective. Sending Hope,Love,Hugs and that awful word POSITIVITY for the future. x