Hi everyone, it's 2 am and I can't sleep worrying about my Dad. He is post lymphoma, chemo and radiotherapy. The radiotherapy was very intense, left scar tissue and destroyed my dad's tummy. They say he has no good bacterial left in his stomach. They test regularly for cancer but the problem is his quality of life since (completely appreciate the opposite could be worse). He cannot eat without being in intense pain, you can see it on his face, he has to remain near a toilet and cannot move until he has passed the food. He says it's like razorblades as the food passes through him. He only passes watery substances, nothing solid and it is making him miserable. He has a great GP who takes his bloods regularly. But they have sort of said this is how it is now and he has to accept it. They have tried multiple antibiotics on cycles and suggest culture based yogurts to replace the good bacteria but it's doing nothing (we are talking years of trying different combinations to manage his symptoms) he is also given a mix of things like codeine to block him up and take the pain away and laxatives to make sure he can still go. It all seems so wrong to me.