Hello there,
This is my first time posting to the forum so - hello :)
I was diagnosed with Grade 3, Stage 2A breast cancer last November at the age of 36. I had surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy), and have just finished 19 sessions of radiotherapy incuding a boost. I am also on Tamoxifen.
Im struggling at the moment with side affects from Radio.
My skin started to break down in the last two sessions and I now have moist desquamation underneath the breast and dry peeling all around the nipple and areola as well as a little blistering (possible seroma) near the scar under my arm.
I know this is normal, and that is normal for it to get worse before it gets better, but it is really getting me down.
I was so happy last Friday to finish active treatment, but now I am in so much discomfort and wondering if it will ever get better.
Can anyone else let me know how long it took them to get over the worst side effects from radio?
I am going in for a wound check tomorrow just to make sure all is normal.
All the best