Struggling after Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Hello there,

This is my first time posting to the forum so - hello :)

I was diagnosed with Grade 3, Stage 2A breast cancer last November at the age of 36.  I had surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy), and have just finished 19 sessions of radiotherapy incuding a boost. I am also on Tamoxifen. 

Im struggling at the moment with side affects from Radio. 

My skin started to break down in the last two sessions and I now have moist desquamation underneath the breast and dry peeling all around the nipple and areola as well as a little blistering (possible seroma) near the scar under my arm. 

I know this is normal, and that is normal for it to get worse before it gets better, but it is really getting me down. 

I was so happy last Friday to finish active treatment, but now I am in so much discomfort and wondering if it will ever get better.

Can anyone else let me know how long it took them to get over the worst side effects from radio?


I am going in for a wound check tomorrow just to make sure all is normal.


All the best




  • Hi Talc

    Welcome to the forum. I too was left with skin issues following radiotherapy, although given Zerobase by the radiotherapy team I needed a steroid cream from my GP to cure the issues. Thereafter I took lots of 'oat' baths, I would cut an old pair of tights and place oats into the foot part of the tights, tie a knot so the oats won't escape, and place it in the bath fill the water is running. I also found my skin itched due to tamoxifen so I also bought Aveena oat cream to put on after my oat bath. Haven't had any bother since.

    I wouldn't just wait to see how things go, ask your GP for a steroid cream and try creams, etc designed to treat dry skin.


  • Thank you Magpiemaggie for replying.


    Thankfully most of my skin on my breast is doing pretty well. I used Aveeno before and during and continue to use it now as well as Aloe Vera. All this is helping the dry peeling and blistering heal well.


    The moist desquamation underneath the breast is raw red and oozing...I've been told to put nothing on this except Non-Adhesive dressings they have given me. This happens to about 36% of women especially if you are big chested which I am. It's quite icky so I'm praying it starts getting better soon! Supposed to peak 7-10 days after treatment finishes. Which is exactly where I'm at now.