Testicle removed 12 months ago, burning pain during ejac?

Hi, posting this on behalf of my partner. We recently got together and 12 months ago he had a testicle removed after being diagnosed with cancer. He has some nerve damage on his upper left groin area which is where the incision was, but what worries me is he has trouble reaching ejaculation and when he does he said he feels a burning pain where his testicle used to be? Does anyone have experience with this and whether it goes away or whether anything can be done?





  • Hello Sarah

    I'm sorry to hear that your partner is experiencing some issues since his surgery last year. It's understandable that you're feeling concerned. 

    Hopefully, if we've any members here on the forum with experience of this issue, they'll post to share their story with you. 

    If he doesn't feel confident to speak to his GP or Consultant about things at the moment then you could give our team of nurses a call who I'm sure would be able to offer some advice and support. They're available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator